

How often should you redesign your website?

By Business, Design

This must be one of the questions every website owner has regarding their website. Today we are here to find the right answer to it. Before we get into answering it, let’s look at what redesigning your website actually means.
Redesigning means re-constructing your website to perform along with the dynamic nature of society. If your sales or conversion is low then you should sit down with experts and evaluate your website functions.


Now let’s move on to the actual question, “How often should you redesign your website?”. The most general and honest answer to this question is that you should redesign your website every 2 to 3 years. But if your website is not responsive and does not deliver the results you were expecting it to deliver then you MUST get it redesigned right now, so as to reduce the unwanted expenses in the long run. Plus an outdated website has a lot of hidden costs. Click here to read about the hidden cost of outdated websites.

Experts say that a website should be redesigned every 2 to 3 years or whenever a new resource is available. But, do all the experts say the same? No. every designer has his/her opinion about how often your website needs to be redesigned. Here’s the twist though, it is your decision when your website needs to be redesigned and all the designers can hope is that it is not too late when you decide to do it.


Think of your design as your home or apartment. You need to keep investing as you spend time there, but every couple of years or so, you need to give it a complete makeover or a big change like paints, roof change, etc. The same is with the website to make it look new or to solve a particular problem.

Some of the things in your house need regular attention, like lawn mowing, cleaning the attic, etc. Likewise, in a website somethings need to be constantly updated like blogs, news, plugins, etc. Some other things can be done a little less frequently like backup, updating phone numbers, contact details if there is a change, etc…

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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A few things become necessary as we progress like your website being responsive, the way it looks on mobile. Research says that most people use mobile phones to access the internet due to which it needs to be ensured that the website is mobile-friendly.


Every money spent on your website is more like an investment in your online showroom/office and it should be done wisely considering how much it will pay you off. Thankfully, modern technologies enable us to know what each tool and development do to our website and how it will help increase sales.


So to conclude the answer to the question, a website redesign is an ongoing process, but every 1 to 2 years you should get an audit done. If you think now is the time you can avail a free audit right now. Contact us to get your website audited by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Know your Audience: the key to a successful presentation

By Business, Design

Have you ever given a presentation where your audience looks lost?

We have all been there. That moment when the audience looks lost and you can’t figure out the instant that caused it. Even though you feel your presentation going down, you have to carry on.

You work so hard while pitching an idea to your clients, from spending all nights at work to keeping every detail on point.

  • Where does it go wrong?

  • Where do we lose them?
    With every information right, if it fails to reach the client, it’s probably because you didn’t analyze your audience first. And, that changes everything.

Whenever you present, you want the clients to relate to your message and react favorably. With this one-sided communication, it’s difficult to create a balance in the information delivered. You don’t get instant feedback, it’s just their facial expressions that give you the hint.

You make presentations when the stakes are high. You get amazing content, interactive slides and you know what you’re talking about. But somewhere along the way, you get derailed. As demotivating it may be, we have all been there. And if that doesn’t make you feel better, the solution to it definitely will.
The key to rock your presentation is to know your audience.
You do that, you’ll win them over for sure.


Yes, giving them the right information and reason to agree with you is the most logical way to go about it. You would question the relevance of knowing them

Have you ever been to a doctor where he explained what you’re feeling better than you did yourself?How did that make you feel?


You felt understood. You felt like he connects with you and he knows what he’s talking about. And right at that moment, you feel great about choosing that doctor.
That’s exactly how your clients should feel after listening to you. They have to know that you understand their problem and have the perfect solution as well.
With that, knowing them will make it easier for you as well.

Here’s why you should know the audience you’re presenting to:

1. Figure out what they want to hear

What would be better than telling them what they want to hear? There’s no better trick to convince them you’re on their side than talking about their benefit.
Saying the right things will get you where you intend to reach.
But what is worse than not saying the right things?
Saying the wrong things!
You need to know your audience enough to make sure your content doesn’t hurt their beliefs or offends them anyway.
Understanding them layout a plan for your presentation. It’ll give direction to your content.
It’ll be something they’ll connect to and will get engaged.

Isn’t the intention to make them stick? This is the way to go!


2. Set the proper tone

What do you base the tone of your presentation upon?
What you would want to hear or what your audience wants to hear?

It’ll only be a success if you go by the latter option.
It’s a critical task to set the tone. Especially when your audience has multiple people of mixed genders, different positions, different experiences, different educational backgrounds. These factors will alter how they perceive your tone.
It makes it more essential for you to choose a tone that runs common for your audience.


3. Find a way to connect

It is important that your audience connects with you on some level. Finding a common ground will lift the uptight situation there. It’ll ease you into explaining your point and will also make it easier for them to put up questions without shying away.
The more questions they ask, the more opportunity for you to make things clearer and convince them.
It’ll also let you align your message with what your audience believes in. Let’s say your audience believes in numbers. It’s your cue to give them data and let them believe what you’re saying.


4. Proper approach

Given the limited chance for communication, you might not be able to come back to a point and clarify it for them. To avoid the need for that, your presentation needs to be audience-oriented. It has to be planned in a way that your audience understands easily.
Knowing your target audience will do that for you. You will have to speak their language and anticipate what they would want to hear. Along with that, your presentation shouldn’t say that you’re pitching your idea. Rather, it has to make them believe that your intention is to solve their problem with your idea.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Want to get your hands on such an unbeatable pitch? You’re at the right place already!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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The outdated website brings you down!

By Business, Design

The virtual world is ever-evolving and as dynamic as it gets. There are new trends everywhere every day. Is it everyday things get updated? Sure, it is! It all moves so fast that it’s a task in itself to keep a track of everything.


It’s a given that those of us who want to maintain a social presence will have to move alongside it. We can not be left behind or it’ll cost us well. Being dynamic is the key to success today. Almost every business in every corner is taking advantage of the online market. But is everyone excelling as well? Truly, only those who are changing digitally every moment are the ones making good use of it.    

Every business has a website but what good is it if it’s stagnant?

Merely having a website doesn’t count for it if it doesn’t serve the users well and gets your business running.

Once you have gotten your website, it’s not the time to stop there. You can’t depend upon it to keep you good for a long time. It’ll have to develop every day to keep you at the top of your game. Every element will have to be updated as per the needs. From designs to content to user experience, everything has to be perfect.
You must consider the development as a life cycle for a website and it needs to grow to reach its full caliber. An updated website won’t be ranked high on search engines and won’t be able to seek the attention of the audience.

  • Without getting it to fulfill your basic needs, how do you expect it to create a brand image for you?

  • Wasn’t that your idea of having a website? And even if you keep your website stagnant, do you think it does not affect it at all?

  • If not positive then not negative either?

We wish it were true but it’s not. You cannot imagine how your outdated website costs you without you even realizing it.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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It literally puts in your first impression in the world and yet, it is not the best version of itself. You may think you’re saving up on money by not investing in your website but here are all ways your outdated website is costing you:

Loss of sales

Today, everyone is looking for the latest in every aspect and your website has the role of representing your modernity and your will to match the latest standards. People are not going to deal with you if your first impression doesn’t suit their needs. An outdated website will show them your lack of evolution and how you haven’t met the latest technology trends or social trends. Even though your product may be all modern, it’s representation should match it as well.
Outdated websites tend to impart incorrect information as well. It can lead your potential customers to perceive a negative image. When the website should represent your best features, it’ll be enhancing the opposite and you definitely want to change it promptly.
Your website should reflect what you actually offer. The representation should be accurate.


Limited reach

In simple words, if your outdated website lets you entertain an audience of thousands of consumers, an updated one will increase that by at least 10 times. The reach of an outdated website with zero digital engagement or any social media optimization strategy will be hampered. Without any effort to make it optimum, it’ll start to create a negative impact on the audience.
The constant presence digitally tends to promote your reach.


Weak mobile compatibility

Today, people access everything on their phones. If you’re trying to get their attention, make sure it can be done through their mobile phones.
Everyone looks for information on their mobiles, shops on their mobiles and if you wish for them to become your consumer, you have to make sure it’s feasible for them.

Most of the outdated websites are not mobile-friendly, killing half of the audience right there.


Weak user experience

Any user will not stick to a website with glitches or not smooth navigation. The users are supposed to have a smooth experience and are supposed to want to navigate through your website. But if there are any glitches or a page doesn’t load, it’ll make them leave your website completely.
With everyone’s busy schedule, their experience has to be prompt. If it’s a smooth ride for them, they’ll end up buying your product. But if they face problems at the checkout page, they might just leave right there.


Weak brand identity

Is your website representing what you stand for?
When people visit your website, they’re looking for an insight into the brand. They’re looking forward to knowing what the brand represents.
Your website should aim at making people connect with your brands. Every element must have a role to play in it. Your brand journey, your identity are few things an updated website represents.
If it doesn’t make you stand out, if it’s just about fonts and graphics, it might not work.

Still a little confused?

Convert your outdated website into a modern one and not let it cost you in any way!

Confused about how to proceed further? We might be able to help you out through it.
Connect with us on a call and leave the drawbacks of your website behind.

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Still a little confused?

Convert your outdated website into a modern one and not let it cost you in any way!

Confused about how to proceed further? We might be able to help you out through it.
Connect with us on a call and leave the drawbacks of your website behind.

Yes! I want free web audit

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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How to get your custom fonts on your Unbounce landing pages

By Business, Design

Fonts are an essential tool to make eye-catching landing pages, and since we often need to make a lot of such pages, it becomes a little crucial to have that branding aspect of a custom font.


Especially, when you have a very specific company font. Well, if you have the same issue that you’re struggling with then this little article might just be what you’re looking for and help you use your custom fonts on Unbounce without any glitches.


Now, when you import an Unbounce font on a page, it is important to make sure that these fonts are uploaded on the same servers with which the Unbounce account is linked. For instance, if your Unbounce account is linked with website, then the external fonts should also be updated on the same servers.

Here is the official link on the steps to do the same.

For example, if your Unbounce is linked to, but you have your fonts on xyz(dot)com, then this might result in a glitchy situation.

That being said, you should know you can’t host third-party fonts on Unbounce servers, which implies that you need to host fonts on your server and link your Unbounce account to that same server.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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That being said, you should know you can’t host third-party fonts on Unbounce servers, which implies that you need to host fonts on your server and link your Unbounce account to that same server. For example, if your Unbounce is linked to, but you have your fonts on xyz(dot)com, then this might result in a glitchy situation.


You must also keep in mind the format that is accepted for the fonts to be uploaded. Some of the Unbounce recommended formats are – .eot, .woff, .ttf, and .svg, hence its always reliable to use these.

Another factor that might pose a hurdle, is that if you are to host your page on the Unbounce domain itself then unfortunately you do not have a choice to upload your custom fonts. For example, if your URL reads – then you can not put a custom font. The next best alternative to do that is by uploading an image, but then again you might need to keep a check on how the image looks on a mobile device, as that might require you to upload an alternate image for the same.


Well, if you thought that this article was helpful to you, and if you need some help with fonts or any other Unbounce queries, or maybe just a project that you might want some insights on – then feel free to book a Calendly slot with us, and we would love to take care of that issue for you.

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Experienced landing page designers do come at a price. The question is at what price?

By Business, Design

Good landing pages can turn your marketing strategies into a goldmine, zero exaggeration here.
They were created to ensure the most important part of these campaigns in the first place – conversions. You heard that right, they’re amazing turning leads into conversions, with just a one-time effort at a time. 


Well the whole reason behind these inventions doing so, is all in how they are made. Well made or not comes later – but they cut the drill, leave you with just the precise info you need, provide you with the correct CTA for you to act on the decision, and then close the deal then and there – all in a matter of seconds!

But nothing of such great value could be at an affordable price, right? Wrong!

While the merits of making one of these might be many; the true efficiency of the landing page design lies in who designed it and how well they understood the gist – that’s where the need for an experienced landing page designer pops up. Without making it seem like rocket science, we’ll leave you with a price tag that we think should be enough to get your a great quality landing page.

And the price is…. $250 only!

Now, it’s natural to think that this is a very moderate price and quite reasonable too, but how does an experienced landing page designer come up with this figure in the first place?

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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After all, you need to know what you should be looking for when hiring one; and why does their experience factor in this process?

The truth is that a perfectly designed landing page isn’t enough on its own to live up to your expectations of the crazy conversion figures. There’s a lot that goes in making it work like a charm – and that’s what only an expert can know.

Starting off with the first expense that comes into the success factor of the page, and that is creating ads for it. When the marketing campaigns include such landing pages, you also need to create interesting ads to invite all the traffic you can here.

If you make the most perfect perfectly designed page, but don’t know how to market it well, or market it with ads that have a completely different language of graphics, then judging by the cover, your expected traffic wouldn’t even bother clicking on the link. That is a huge miss, to begin with.

Once the traffic is on there, its the interface of the page that helps you get the sales or signups, or whatever it is that the page was made for, and if it’s made to perfection – you just have to sit back and watch your profits/engagement grow.

Landing pages need a lot of attention to the detail – now you can make it in a single day and get done with it, but you would miss out on the things that only a seasoned designer can look out for.

Here comes the second aspect of the cost – the expertise of the designer. You hire a rookie, and you’ll keep waiting but the effect of the landing page will be extremely cold and unrewarding.

Speaking from personal experience, I have created over 150 landing pages, and honestly, my own lesson has been, that there’s no cheat code to success in this one.

Had I not had been following the landing page trend avidly, keeping up with the best of the techniques, optimizing, suggesting to clients, improvising all along – frankly I wouldn’t have been confident about getting the amazing conversions to my own clients.

But the very fact that creating these marvels is something I call my forte and take pride in – comes from the fact that I leave no stones unturned in translating the clients’’ expectations into a lead conversion machine of a landing page.

Now the third aspect of making it all work is not just the experience of the designer – but the flexibility that the designer has with various landing page builders. Yes, there are many.
Many but not all of them really work for all occasions, especially not the ones that count.

The part of the experience also has to be with their frequency of using such brands of landing page builders. As a customer, it’s not your stress to take which one the designer should pick for your marketing plans – but using the best one out there is definitely the best option for most.

And the top-rated one out there is Unbounce, even marketing gurus like Neil Patel swear by its wonders. Unbounce is hands down, one of the best builders to create the landing pages that guarantee conversions – it’s their company motto after all. And as a landing page expert, I take great pride in being partnered with them, because we believe in returning value to our customers as much as they do.

So this was the price breakdown for one awesome landing page, that an experienced designer should provide you with. If you liked what you read about, and warmed up to the idea of trying one for your company’s goals, then we would love to whip one up for you.

You can schedule a no-obligation query call with us and we can talk business at your leisure, book your slot here – 

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Here’s how to get that magnificent roofing website you have been wanting all this while

By Business, Design

A roofing website has to have those power elements which can convince a person that he found exactly what he was looking for. It should have the mettle of converting the visitor’s casual browsing into serious considerations

If you have ever checked out a great roofing website yourself, you must have been left with a fascinating impression for sure. These websites are not like any other ones in the game. There are elements that completely lure a person into doing business with the brand or at least consider discussing projects with them. They make them stand out and leave the visitor hooked to the services offered. And it’s not just the specific service offered if you thought so. To leave them pondering over the offerings of your brand, it matters how you present it, what offers you put forward and how many expectations you fulfill. But How do you do that? What are those elements? How are those so different? What do they do?


If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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We know you have these questions.

Well, to ease you out of this dilemma and let you have one such jaw-dropping roofing website, we have exceptional pointers for you on what to include and how.
Here are a few must-haves for your roofing website:

To be successful, make sure your design speak for your client’s business.

Simple and accessible language

You can’t impress someone who’s there to get good quality roofs by the use of fancy words. Rather, it may have a negative impact if they couldn’t understand what you’re implying or selling. It’s essential for them to clearly understand what is being presented and how. 

The simple language will let them understand and get to know if you have what they were looking forward to finding. This understanding is going to do half of the work. If they get a clear message of the scope of their expectations being fulfilled, it will make them move forward with the decision.

Lots of imagery

While considering a roofing brand, the thing that matters the most is the perfect kind of roof that the buyer needs to see the best side of, and necessarily the real side. It’s the quality of the roofing that the buyer has to fall in love with. Every quality roofing website constitutes a lot of pictures because that’s the main element. That’s what lets the buyer stick his attention to your landing page in the first place. 

Want a great roofing website? have great pictures that speak for themselves. A beautiful property might not get sold if it has bad pictures. Make sure that doesn’t happen, instead add beautiful shots of the material closeups, exterior, and probably some real-life shots. 

Use maps and top view plans to creatively impart essential information.


What the buyer looks for after considering which sort of roofing to go for itself, are details about it. It’s equally important to include all the relevant and essential information about each kind of roofing options. The points you mention on the website can be the trigger point in bringing them to a concrete decision.
Not only the benefits are important, how and where you present them is important as well. It’s tricky to figure out the right place but just as important.

Streamlined target audience

It’s always a great idea to bring your buyer to exactly the kind of roofing he has been looking for. If a guy finds an ad of a sale on men’s collection on a generic clothing line, he’ll be directly taken to what he wants. Similarly, it’ll help to have ads that will cater to a particular audience who will actually be interested in it. Not only does it help the buyer but it also saves you the unnecessary effort of catering to people who’re actually not even interested.

Of course, this is the way to go for a great roofing website experience, but the point in question is how to go about it. Well, let us help you out in that area as well. Let our expertise and experience work on getting your website the success and praise it deserves.

Don’t wait, book a call now!

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Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Is unlimited iterations possible in design projects and which agencies offer that?

By Business, Design

Are unlimited iterations undeniably bracing?

When it comes to digital, nothing stays constant. Rather, change is the only constant thing and there’s no way to develop a website that prompts perpetual growth, consumer reservation, and ROI.  With that said, iterative web design allows better results for both client and agency. 

And you must have heard about agencies offering unlimited iterations. Sounds great, right? But, there’s no way every agency could do that. For some, it just complies incompetence and failure to fulfill the requirements in a few takes. Only a few firms offer unlimited iterations and the ones with the following features make good use of it:-

1. Agencies with a proven track record

An agency with a proven track record comes with abundant experience to know what is expected from them and hence, they have confidence in themselves to fulfill your expectations without much retakes.

2. Research-based design

A firm that listens, understands and researches what’s expected of them is the one best suited for you. Trends change every day and a research-based firm is aware of them and customizes everything according to it.

3. Principles-based design thinking

Every design company that takes design principles into considerations has the capabilities of fulfilling their clients’ requirements. Such agencies know what they’re into and how to do what’s asked of them.

4. Passionate team ready to learn

A team that’s willing to learn is the one who’s willing to put in efforts to reach perfection. Iteration requires patience and a will to achieve excellence and a passionate team, eager to excel will do that for you.

5. Solutions providers

How can you expect perfection from a firm that doesn’t have full realization of your requirements? You can’t. It’s very essential for you to communicate your needs clearly for them to perceive them well.

An agency with such features will be successfully able to cater unlimited iteration and if you’re looking for one such agency. Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

Unbounce updated the pricing

By Business, Design

No, we aren’t making this up.

We were as pleasantly surprised as you might be, and for such a cool platform to give out such lucrative features might be a little hard to believe without a catch – but honestly, there really isn’t one!

Another thing that you might wonder, is that –
Why is there an entire blog about a pricing plan?

It’s not like the first time that a digital marketing software ever did that anyway. But the truth is, these aren’t like any other plans that you might’ve seen.

But we’re here to talk about the change of plans that Unbounce has made in literally all of its offerings. Yes, the prices have changed too, but it has more to do with how they segregated their services into plans that literally speak to its correct user.


After the great success that this platform has witnessed, with its clientele, partnerships and revenue growth – somewhere this update was long overdue.

After over five years since its inception, the marketing industry had morphed itself into a much grander playground, and they felt that these changes needed to be addressed through more ‘value based solutions’.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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What is so unique about the Unbounce ‘Value-Based’ pricing though?

Now pricing is always dynamic and if you’ve used a bunch of different marketing softwares, you already might have an idea about how subjective the billing is to the services that you use.


It can be your traditional SaaS brands that usually work with a cost plus pricing model, where they add the expenses that went in supplying the product itself and then their own margin to go along with it. The other type is usually the competitor pricing – here these software providers compare the rates of similar products as a comparison for theirs.

Now the company considered these and claimed that these pricing models are quite imperfect, in that they don’t actually factor in the return on your investment.

Here comes the concept behind the new Unbounce pricing

This new value-based pricing is all about the quantifiable profits you reap from the product in the market, and setting the price in accordance to those pros. Basically, you are in the know of what you are receiving from the service you paid for.


This way the price of the software has much to do with the value it gives to your business, which they reckon should always be more than what you pay for. Taking the subjectivity away from the success one might get from using the software, making it fair for everyone.

The True Value Is In The Conversions You Get

Now these conversions that they promise aren’t another one of those estimated figures that are copy pasted from their best case users, but it is something they have worked over the years – to help you create the highest-converting campaigns.


We will now look at some focal values that were considered by Unbounce for new their pricing plan.

  • Saving Your Time :

    This has always been a USP of this platform. The idea was to cut the time for making extremely stunning landing pages with the best of the graphics, optimizing time that you put in while making them. Moreover, they also provide the data collected from all these pages in a segregated manner back, to save the cumbersome scanning of responses for your teams.

  • Higher Conversions Than Ever :

    After all, the end goal of making these pages is to increase the number of conversions – whether it is leads, sign-ups or more sales that you’re looking for, different categories will get you different amounts of traffic for your requirements.

  • The Features Of Your Dreams :

    The flexibility here lies in the fact that you don’t have to worry about wanting to calculate the success analytics or their impact through other sources – you can just select the plan that has the features that you use frequently – some of these really do seal the deal.

Is It True About The Unlimited Landing Pages?

Yup, there’s no asterisks around that one. Something phenomenal about their new plans is the unlimited services section. And what’s more is that it doesn’t just end at unlimited landing pages – you also get unlimited pop ups, sticky bars, and client sub-accounts too.
These features do help keep the hesitance about the platform at bay, but there are many others that are included in the new plans that help set Unbounce a step ahead in the game.

Lo and Behold, The Four New Plans That Scale As You Grow

The fundamental benefit that these plans aim to achieve are simply the building blocks of your business growth – Conversions. But there are also other really interesting tools and features that make the deal even sweeter.


Each of these plans are designed to address the needs of a certain kind of an Unbounce customer with their prominent features capped at each category’s true requirements. Read on to find which one fits your bill better –

  • Launch

    This one is for those who are still testing the waters, to help them create landing pages that grab all the attention without the help of a developer.
    After all the unlimited feats, there’s much less left for a business of this scale to ask for.

  • Optimize

    This company recommended plan is created for the marketers to help them ease into the platform without burning a hole in their pocket to get the high-end features too. With most of the cool AI features included in it, this makes for the perfect way to explore the platform and scale as you grow.

  • Accelerate And Scale

    These ones are for the marketing teams and agencies that truly mean business, you have a playground of domains and obviously, conversions – when you pay for these higher plans. The difference however lies in the traffic volume, with Scale bringing the heaviest of it to your pages.
    The special features that are included in these categories are Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Advanced Targeting And Scheduling – the former letting you make agile mobile pages and the latter helps you sophistically customise the options and schedule the content strategically.

The list doesn’t quite end here – the cherry on top is their new suite of plans that they’re calling the Concierge Plans, that works with you one on one to get you on board and train you better. You can learn more about it on the new Unbounce pricing page.

But what if You already have an Unbounce account?

Now they will let you keep your plan that is active by the time the new ones roll out if you want to, for about two more years.

But to thank their OGs that have stuck around since 2010, they will migrate these elites to a very exclusive ‘Vintage plan’ to get them some cool benefits with the equal (or maybe even lesser) price that they have been paying.

Still a little confused?

If even after reading it all about these pricing plans, you think that you’re not sure in how to go about it and you’re still looking for some more leverage – like you know, probably an amazing treat from our side too? – then as Unbounce partners, we do in fact have something in store for you.

Use this link to get yourself a 20% discount from us, and you will be raving about it too.

Get The Offer

Still a little confused?

If even after reading it all about these pricing plans, you think that you’re not sure in how to go about it and you’re still looking for some more leverage – like you know, probably an amazing treat from our side too? – then as Unbounce partners, we do in fact have something in store for you.

Use this link to get yourself a 20% discount from us, and you will be raving about it too.

Get The Offer

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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4 Things the finest designers will always do for their clients

By Business, Design

We here at Dreamer Designs believe in delivering your dream designs and experiences that delight you. Together we help companies design their digital world. While being a part of the designer community helps to globalize our crafts, we are also have been favored by our excellent clients.

As a designer, bringing designs to the table goes without saying.
But a noteworthy designer is someone who brings more to the table.

The root of long term success is not only creative designs but great relationships.Conversation and communication on both – business and human level to emphasize with the client, is what makes the design process more reliable.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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In my career, I have noticed these ,

4 things all the best designers will always do for their clients and to discuss them, I have compiled them here :

To be successful, make sure your design speak for your client’s business.

1. Return on Investment

Generally, a client will spend a huge investment on your design. You might have the least to lose if the project fails, but your client might suffer a huge loss. The last thing you want is to minimize their return on Investment on your dicey ideas. To be successful, make sure your designs speak for your client’s business. A lousy idea is worse than no idea.
Know their overall business strategy, their market conditions, their audience, and then design according to their needs.

2. Know your client

Think of it this way, your client has their own ideas of growth and business. Since they invested in you, they have expectations of progress. You can’t expect them to sit back on their chair and wait for your mail to pop up. What you can do is – let them see how you work. I suggest regularly updating them on the progress status, provide measurable goals to track.
Acknowledge their ideas and question if in doubt.

3. Respect others to get respected

While this might sound like a moral science lecture, it actually is true. Your client might not be a design expert but they expertise in their field. Listen to what they have to say, understand what is at stake. To gain respect, you must make them feel respected.
Make them part of your work, discuss your ideas. Explain to them how your design relates to the goals of your client.

4. Keep the cost in mind

This is for both- you and your client. Speaking of costs, both you and your client would be investing in the design. You might worry about personal, technological,and organizational costs put in a design, for example- introducing a new design tool to your staff, or maybe hiring a new staff. While your client might worry about the cost of changing, for example, change in the logo of the business. Make sure you keep all these affairs in mind and look for ways to design something making a great payoff with an acceptable cost.
While complying to every argument and needs of your clients can be tough and sometimes bearing the criticisms can make you doubt on your abilities but

With good designer- client relationships, at the end of the day, you are the one dressed for success.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

This is how far you can go with business without involving design.

By Business, Design

I will save you the effort of reading the full article if you need an answer to the question which brought you to this article. The answer is that you can’t even start. But you knew I was going to say that, didn’t you? And you already know that I will start with the logo argument, as that is the first thing you will need for a business, to begin with. But I brought you here to share a rather contrasting thought,

“How far can you go with design involved in your business”.


And, by FAR, I mean, growth in monetary terms. How much a good design adds to your pocket if applied well?

The truth is, it can bring massive returns. Give it a thought.

  • I will suggest you to first examine both successful and not so successful companies and their designs.As in how they present themselves through design.
  • Now look at your digital, social, and marketing designs and see if they represent the true spirit of your company. If you are not happy with it, my friend, you really need to invest in the designs.It is a proven fact, a human memory is more attracted to visual representation than any other form of representation.
  • For your products to sell, you need to pick your consumer’s interests. And it is quite impossible without involving designs.The more your design speaks, the more your products attract attention.

What is the difference between a well-designed ad and a poorly designed ad ?

The bad one dies and does not convert into cash.Why in a supermarket you will pick any product but not that one with wrong spelt or boring looking product or something you know is a fake just  by looking at it.Again put it to design.

What you are thinking, the designers make sure it reflects on your products, your Pages, and thus, it becomes your identity.
And c’mon, you do care about your identity, don’t you?

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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So how far can you actually go with your business without involving designs?

  • You actually will not have any logo. You don’t have an identity to represent yourself in the market.
  • You either don’t have a website or even if you have one, it’s boring enough to drive your customers to death. Your online platform has no reach in this era of online consumerism
  • Your social media page is so basic even small influencers may have pity for you. No content to pick the interest of the users, no outreach via social media – the biggest online platform in today’s world.
  • What is your marketing strategy without design? God, I can’t even come to terms with this. You lack in social media marketing, online marketing, and the remaining options are really low.
  • With no marketing, there is a huge chance your brand may just never come up to the customers and even when it does, they will just prefer brands they have seen already.


Not only will your card for netizenship is in risk, I am afraid so is your business. This is the era of design, visual art and technology, and businesses are a huge part of it. There is a whole industry of design flourishing, and the reasons are quite clear enough. With a booming industry of design, and almost every other industry relying on it, the pace of your business without involving designs might just setback to a place in which consumerism has left already. And I am afraid, it never again will even go back to that place.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you