

Nishant Sapra Interview Banner for Good Firms

Nishant Sapra’s The Dreamer Designs Thrives to Deliver Aesthetic Designs With Ethical Business Practices

By Featured, Interview

Founded in 2012, The Dreamer Designs is a design studio based in India who thrives on creating solutions with passion and honesty. Their Founder and Creative Director, Nishant Sapra, says that the studio was conceived out of their love for design. The firm takes pride in delivering from the problem-solving end of the spectrum and creating delightful experiences through their designs.

The organization was established to leverage the power of design where aesthetics and performance can be blended to produce peerless solutions. Honest Solutions, Delight, Passion for Learning, and Happiness – are the core values that act as supporting pillars of their organization. They aim to represent and see their country emerge as a key player in the field of design through their solutions.

GoodFirms set out to understand the mission and vision of the firm and interviewed Nishant Sapra in the course. Let us briefly review what the visionary CEO had to say about his firm.

Scope Oriented Web Design Services:

Nishant shared that theirs is an in-house team consisting of skilled professionals that look after each aspect of every project they undertake and have developed a close network of trusted vendors as well. When it comes to industries, there is no specific one that they cater to and have also provided services to globally renowned brands such as Microsoft, Mercedes, Upwork, Dell Boomi, etc. They have also enjoyed partnering agencies that need design services for their clientele.

Digital Design Specialist at Cuponation, Emma Romeu, is a gratified repeat collaborator with The Dreamer Designs and stated:

The Dreamer Designs testimonial

Understanding client requirements is also an important step in discovering the scope of the project. Once the scope is defined, the client is presented with a probable solution that will help them achieve their operational goals and once the solution is agreed upon the time frame is decided. It was also interesting to learn that while taking up a project, they do not base the selection on a minimum budget but rather on the quality of interaction with the client. They take up projects irrespective of their size as long as their creativity is challenged and they evolve as they complete the project.

The Dreamer Designs is deemed as one of the best web designing companies in Delhi at GoodFirms as a result of their fervor and dedication exhibited towards their trade.

Web Development With a Holistic Approach:

Inquiring about the actual development process, Nishant keenly explained that a lot of consideration goes into the key aspects of a project, such as the determination of the development timeframe and selection of the proper platform. When asked about the backend and frontend development, the Creative Director recounted that it depends majorly upon the individual project since no two projects are the same.

He elucidated that there are differences regarding the utility desired from the product, the features involved, and the technology to be used. Hence, the scope of each project varies as the firm provides custom designs solutions to every client which in turn dictates the time to be allocated for the front and back end development. Regarding the platform selection, handling the operations post-production, budget, flexibility required, complexity, and traffic were listed as some of the reasons that drive the decision.

Sound comprehension of client requirements and an inclusive approach will ensure that The Dreamer Designs soon tap into the coveted records of the top web development companies at GoodFirms.

The Dreamer Designs Testimonial by Fair Marketing

Steven Marting shared his experience while collaborating with The Dreamer Designs as he hands them out a 5-star on GoodFirms.

Please read the complete interview of Nishant Sapra here at GoodFirms to know what more the Founding Creative Director has divulged.

About GoodFirms

Washington, D.C. based GoodFirms is a maverick B2B Research and Reviews Company that helps service-seekers in finding Web Design and Web Development companies that are rendering the best services in the industry. GoodFirms’ bonafide research process ranks companies, boosts their online reputation and helps businesses choose the right technology partner that meets their requirements.

About the Author

Anna Stark is presently working as a Content Writer with GoodFirms – Washington D.C. based B2B Research Company, which bridges the gap between service seekers and service providers. Anna’s current role lingers her to shape every company’s performance and critical attributes into words. She firmly believes in the magic of words and equips new strategies that work, always in with ideas, something new to carve, and something original to decorate the firm’s identity.

Role of Design in preventing and managing epidemics.

By Design, Featured

“Design can save the world.” This statement is very relevant today and has a big role to play.

Design is at times considered limited to its visual appeal and the functional part of the same is ignored. But, the reality is that good design is both beautiful and functional. In today’s world where diseases have taken over mankind, the design has a special role to play and it is to save the world.

By now, chances are you may be aware of various kinds of masks available in the market and the design of one may make it more functional than others. On the digital front, there are various information portals available but with so much data mushrooming, the best way to present the same decides the effectiveness of data.

The clarity of the presentation of data regulates its absorb-ability. The more absorbable the data is, the better it will be understood. More awareness will lead to better prevention of disease. Social media channels are full of images and those well designed are creating more impact than others. As designers we have a huge responsibility to make only the right information visible.

Sure, there are some ideas that we can explore as we walk through these roads. How healthcare devices can be made more expandable? How we can make our web portals more accessible? How ambulances can be designed better for quicker reach? How hospitals can be designed and developed in a shorter time when-ever there is an emergency?

There is a lot that design can do and with the power of the right design we have the hope to save the world.

If you have 5 things while in lockdown then consider yourself very lucky.

By Business, Featured, Work from home


If you have all four members of immediate family with you and they all are healthy then nothing better than that. Not everyone has that luxury. See, it all happened quite suddenly and most of us are living by the day. Planning does not work and many people are stationed where they were before the lockdown. So if you are the one at home with your loved ones, consider yourself to be blessed.



Do you get enough sunshine and fresh air without you having to go out and hunt for it? Sunshine and fresh air add a lot to your healthy being and if you get it enjoy it.


Work from Home

Nothing better than a paid leave with no work. Right? Wrong. If you are a spirited person with a zeal to grow, you will soon be feeling that itch if you are not being productive enough. For a few days it might be fun but then you run out of movies to watch and episodes to catch up. If you are working from home then you are in a great place as you have things more important than repeat news to attend to.

Our mind wanders for fresh excitement and movies will not be able to satisfy those beyond a time. If you have a lot of time to kill you may get inclined toward following news. Game over. News can create panic and worthless excitement that may not keep you spirited for long.

If you do not have work assigned by somebody, then assign it to your self. Keep a dedicated routine for studying, learning new skills and follow the routine. We are not meant to sleep and pass time. We are meant to create the future and the time for it always now.


Food and daily needs access

Some people are safer than others as they live in isolated areas but they have a reason to worry as there are only a few shops nearby to cater to needs if things go worse. If you have food and medical access nearby then nothing better than that.

Do not stock but keep adequate supplies with you. When you go out shopping make a list to limit your rounds and to ensure you are not missing out on things.


Peace of mind

“Panic is always dumb”—Elon Musk

If you are at home and able to adjust to the new working environment with peace then you are doing a good job. With kids around, slow work speed, interruptions of different kinds and a lot of uncertainty in the air, it may look obvious for you to freak out at times. But peace is the mantra.

Panic does strange things to mind and creates the problems which do not exist yet and may not exist ever in our minds and signals the brain to work as if they are for real. The brain goes into alert mode and starts overreacting.  



These are testing times and tests are not easy at times. The good part is they always get over and then the result is always positive because either you win or you learn. So put your best foot forward, make the best use of this time and stay safe at home.

In this race against time one who settles wins but there is a lot you can still do while you are settled.


“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.”—Galileo Galilei