A disease such as cancer can be one of the most stressful experiences of a person's life. The stress of cancer and its treatment is increased by family, work, and financial concerns, in addition to everyday stress that was present before the cancer diagnosis.
But there is a way to
deal with most of it !
Avoid scheduling conflicts
Use a day planner or electronic calendar to keep track of your appointments and activities. When scheduling activities, allow plenty of time to finish one activity before starting the next.
Prioritize your
Make a list of the things you have to do, such as work and chores, and rank them in order of importance, considering both things you must do and things that are important to you.
Be aware of
your limits
Allow yourself to say "no" when people ask you to take on tasks that you don't have time or energy to complete because of fatigue from the cancer and its treatment.
ask for Help
People are likely to offer their support, so think about specific tasks you need assistance with in advance, such as help with shopping or picking up a child from school.
Plan times to socialize with family and friends. Spending time with supportive friends and family is one of the most significant ways to reduce stress.
Get moderate
Moderate exercise such as a 30-minute walk, swim, or bike ride lowers stress when done at least several times a week. Talk with your doctor before starting an exercise regimen
Join a
support group
Support groups offer you the chance to talk about your feelings and fears with others who share and understand your experiences. You can also talk with a trusted friend, a counselor, or a social worker.
Do things you
Eat at your favorite restaurant, or watch your favorite television show. Laughter reduces stress; see a funny movie or read a humorous book.
A technique that focuses the mind on breathing and posture to promote relaxation and to reduce fatigue.
A technique in which you learn to relax your mind and concentrate on an inner sense of calm.