
The outdated website brings you down!

By February 17, 2021No Comments

The virtual world is ever-evolving and as dynamic as it gets. There are new trends everywhere every day. Is it everyday things get updated? Sure, it is! It all moves so fast that it’s a task in itself to keep a track of everything.


It’s a given that those of us who want to maintain a social presence will have to move alongside it. We can not be left behind or it’ll cost us well. Being dynamic is the key to success today. Almost every business in every corner is taking advantage of the online market. But is everyone excelling as well? Truly, only those who are changing digitally every moment are the ones making good use of it.    

Every business has a website but what good is it if it’s stagnant?

Merely having a website doesn’t count for it if it doesn’t serve the users well and gets your business running.

Once you have gotten your website, it’s not the time to stop there. You can’t depend upon it to keep you good for a long time. It’ll have to develop every day to keep you at the top of your game. Every element will have to be updated as per the needs. From designs to content to user experience, everything has to be perfect.
You must consider the development as a life cycle for a website and it needs to grow to reach its full caliber. An updated website won’t be ranked high on search engines and won’t be able to seek the attention of the audience.

  • Without getting it to fulfill your basic needs, how do you expect it to create a brand image for you?

  • Wasn’t that your idea of having a website? And even if you keep your website stagnant, do you think it does not affect it at all?

  • If not positive then not negative either?

We wish it were true but it’s not. You cannot imagine how your outdated website costs you without you even realizing it.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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It literally puts in your first impression in the world and yet, it is not the best version of itself. You may think you’re saving up on money by not investing in your website but here are all ways your outdated website is costing you:

Loss of sales

Today, everyone is looking for the latest in every aspect and your website has the role of representing your modernity and your will to match the latest standards. People are not going to deal with you if your first impression doesn’t suit their needs. An outdated website will show them your lack of evolution and how you haven’t met the latest technology trends or social trends. Even though your product may be all modern, it’s representation should match it as well.
Outdated websites tend to impart incorrect information as well. It can lead your potential customers to perceive a negative image. When the website should represent your best features, it’ll be enhancing the opposite and you definitely want to change it promptly.
Your website should reflect what you actually offer. The representation should be accurate.


Limited reach

In simple words, if your outdated website lets you entertain an audience of thousands of consumers, an updated one will increase that by at least 10 times. The reach of an outdated website with zero digital engagement or any social media optimization strategy will be hampered. Without any effort to make it optimum, it’ll start to create a negative impact on the audience.
The constant presence digitally tends to promote your reach.


Weak mobile compatibility

Today, people access everything on their phones. If you’re trying to get their attention, make sure it can be done through their mobile phones.
Everyone looks for information on their mobiles, shops on their mobiles and if you wish for them to become your consumer, you have to make sure it’s feasible for them.

Most of the outdated websites are not mobile-friendly, killing half of the audience right there.


Weak user experience

Any user will not stick to a website with glitches or not smooth navigation. The users are supposed to have a smooth experience and are supposed to want to navigate through your website. But if there are any glitches or a page doesn’t load, it’ll make them leave your website completely.
With everyone’s busy schedule, their experience has to be prompt. If it’s a smooth ride for them, they’ll end up buying your product. But if they face problems at the checkout page, they might just leave right there.


Weak brand identity

Is your website representing what you stand for?
When people visit your website, they’re looking for an insight into the brand. They’re looking forward to knowing what the brand represents.
Your website should aim at making people connect with your brands. Every element must have a role to play in it. Your brand journey, your identity are few things an updated website represents.
If it doesn’t make you stand out, if it’s just about fonts and graphics, it might not work.

Still a little confused?

Convert your outdated website into a modern one and not let it cost you in any way!

Confused about how to proceed further? We might be able to help you out through it.
Connect with us on a call and leave the drawbacks of your website behind.

Yes! I want free web audit

Still a little confused?

Convert your outdated website into a modern one and not let it cost you in any way!

Confused about how to proceed further? We might be able to help you out through it.
Connect with us on a call and leave the drawbacks of your website behind.

Yes! I want free web audit

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra is an Indian design solution expert and infographic maestro, an avid learner with over 20 certifications in various business and design domains, and an Author too. He is the founder and creative head at The Dreamer Designs, an award-winning design agency from India. He is an entrepreneur with three businesses in the field of education, design, and e-commerce. When not working he likes reading, socializing, and spending time with his family. His dedication to extraordinary and beauty have compelled Nishant to hike his brand to international clients. You may be familiar with one of his pan-global projects, such as projects with brands like Mercedes, Microsoft, and Upwork. If not, howdy and lovely meeting you! Find him online (site/ mail/ facebook /linkedin)