
Traits of your unwelcoming website you need to get rid of!

By June 2, 2021No Comments

When was the last time you decided to hit a mall to buy clothes? Probably months ago before the Corona Virus took over our lives.
Irrespective of its effect on our lives, we turn to our phones for almost everything. We tend to look for every product and service online. If we think about it, our whole world fits into our phones easily.

It’s a great deal of comfort for the consumers. But what does it mean for us as business owners?
While everyone is turning to apps and websites, we need to be on the top of our game and bring the best of possible outcomes.
Getting yourselves a website would be the first step.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Oh, you have one but haven’t been able to optimise your success?

Well, that’s probably because you have an unwelcoming website. We don’t mean to sound harsh here but, there are traits in every website that either make the consumer stay on it or leave with a negative impression.


While you may not necessarily have an unwelcoming one, there is no harm in check, is there?
Here are a few things that make a website unwelcoming:

1. Lacks mobile compatibility
Exactly as we said earlier, everyone picks up their phone for the littlest of things. How do you expect your business to bloom without a website that works effortlessly on mobile phones? It is the most important thing to get your website to function effectively on mobiles. *Read more about it here*
It doesn’t just mean scaling down the size but also involves making sure of the top-notch user experience.

2. Not a treat to the eyes
We all get attracted to everything nice we see. Our brain functions really fast when it comes to visual information. Hence, our first impressions are based upon what we see.
For that reason, your website can not be just fully functioning with great deals. It has to look engaging as well. Including visuals elements like gifs, infographics, videos, etc, would be a great idea.

3. Seemingly low-quality website
It’s completely human if the audience perceives your website to not be of significant quality. It may be perfect in every sense but if it appears low budget, that may repel your audience.
It may be the worst reason to block your success but definitely a possible one. The quality of your website will give them an idea about the quality of your offering. Not only will it make your offer look mediocre, but it’ll also put a question mark on your reliability as well.
As a solution to this, invest in the design of your website. Make sure it puts out a good impression of you.

4. Stagnant content
Not updating your website regularly content-wise, will make it stagnant. Development is required in every aspect regularly when it comes to a great website.
Content is how you set up communication between you and your audience. To make it consistent, regular updates will be required on the website as well. A proper strategy will enable you to build your brand image for the audience while making sure you engage them as well.

5. They’re not led anywhere
A lot of times, even when people find what they have been expecting on a website, they get lost when it comes to how they proceed with it further.
Call-to-action buttons are the most essential element of a website. Without it, how do you even expect your audience to show interest?

The whole purpose of having a website is to get conversions and without a CTA, it misses the whole point. And even if you have it, it comes down to what kind?
There can be multiple CTAs on a page but they all must offer the same thing. And asking them for much information may make them resistant to taking up your offer.

All the above-listed reasons will affect the audience on your website. You cannot afford to have any of them on your website. It’s time to bring your website to perfection.

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Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra is an Indian design solution expert and infographic maestro, an avid learner with over 20 certifications in various business and design domains, and an Author too. He is the founder and creative head at The Dreamer Designs, an award-winning design agency from India. He is an entrepreneur with three businesses in the field of education, design, and e-commerce. When not working he likes reading, socializing, and spending time with his family. His dedication to extraordinary and beauty have compelled Nishant to hike his brand to international clients. You may be familiar with one of his pan-global projects, such as projects with brands like Mercedes, Microsoft, and Upwork. If not, howdy and lovely meeting you! Find him online (site/ mail/ facebook /linkedin)