
2021, the best year to get your web design

By July 21, 2021No Comments

With the pandemic, businesses went online and turned an otherwise adverse situation into profit. Web designers had a huge task ahead of them and had to tackle this in a way that would help the clients have a great experience. To create this unique experience we chose Divi.



Now, we do hope 2021 is a better year, but from a Divi web designer to you, Divi has been the best theme we have used to create websites that fit our clients perfectly and, we will continue to use it to create the best website for the owners.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

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Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

Get it now!

Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

If you want to find out what Divi offers to the website owners, read ahead.

1. The global pandemic effect
2020 was a year like no other. Because of the global pandemic, every business went online. Following this, in the year 2021, it would be a perfect idea to get your website. Divi was one of the best WordPress themes in the year 2020 and, we believe the same would be the case this year as well.

2. Split testing or A/B testing
While creating a website, what matters is the rate of conversion. The rate of conversion is the number of website visitors that converts into a customer. Divi web designers create 2-3 website samples for your brand and, Divi allows you to find out which one has the maximum possibility of conversion. Putting the sample designs to test to find the one that has a higher rate of conversion is called A/B testing.

3. Allows complete customization
Divi lets your designer customize every element of your website to make it just as you want it to be, such as the layout, colors, fonts, without much of a hassle. It helps save time and create a website that is tailor-made for your brand.

4. Aesthetics
A web design is supposed to have the perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. Divi allows Divi designers to create an aesthetically pleasing website that would go hand-in-hand with your brand, just the way you like it. Need inspiration for the aesthetic of your website? Here are a few websites we created using Divi that helps you find the aesthetic look that will fit your website.

5. Speed
Websites created with Divi are quick and responsive. This ensures that your website loads faster and the visitors do not leave the website due to buffering. Divi helps a website of a larger size load faster than a website of the same size made using other themes

6. Ease of usage
Divi is one of the few WordPress themes that allow the owners to handle the website easily. It is easy to edit and control the elements on the website such as the font, color, placement, etc. For the business owner who is looking for a website that would allow them to concentrate more on their business and not on handling the website, Divi is the best theme to use.

7. Keeps evolving
Divi theme regularly updates the theme and adds new plugins and modules that help your website work better. It helps keep your website up-to-date and brings in new possibilities to enhance the performance.

The takeaway

If you have been pondering on the idea of getting a website designed, Divi is the best choice. It will help you keep your website in the best shape with lesser effort. Divi also supports various plugins that can help enhance the performance to fit your website. No matter what size your website, Divi is the solution to create it.

Have questions or need someone to bring them to reality for you?

We’re ready for anything and everything you require.
Ping us today

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra is an Indian design solution expert and infographic maestro, an avid learner with over 20 certifications in various business and design domains, and an Author too. He is the founder and creative head at The Dreamer Designs, an award-winning design agency from India. He is an entrepreneur with three businesses in the field of education, design, and e-commerce. When not working he likes reading, socializing, and spending time with his family. His dedication to extraordinary and beauty have compelled Nishant to hike his brand to international clients. You may be familiar with one of his pan-global projects, such as projects with brands like Mercedes, Microsoft, and Upwork. If not, howdy and lovely meeting you! Find him online (site/ mail/ facebook /linkedin)