

Benefits of outsourcing design services

By Business, Design

Website designs do come with expiry date.
What to do if you have expired one?

Would you be okay if running backward in a race you need to win? Obviously, that’s terrible. If the website you have is an expired one then you are exactly in the same position as the runner running backward.

In most cases, your website is expired already if :

  • It has not been updated in the last 3 to 5 years
  • You’re not getting enough conversions from it
  • If it takes ages to load
  • It can also be an outdated one even if it was recently designed but with some free no code builder and by a non-seasoned designer.

How does it matter?

It costs conversions. It can bring down your perceived value and blocks your chances of getting more business even from a very effective source, your website!

What can you do about it?

The shortcut way to get doomed in getting this problem solved is by getting it done all by yourself and a slightly less venomous way will be to get it done by that newbie designer you know.

But, a good way to get your website working with you is by OUTSOURCING to an agency that can help.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Although there’s not much need for more convincing, I have come up with great points of benefits of outsourcing your designs. Let’s get at it!

1. Saving money and time

The most obvious benefit of outsourcing is saving money and time. Outsourcing a design company is far more convenient than hiring a team exclusively for you. It saves your money on recruiting, training and infrastructural development which in turn saves a ton of time.

2. Access to skilled expertise

Creative agencies have expertise in dealing with all aspects of designing and development and it’s smart to bring that expertise into use and fetch fresh ideas for your campaigns. Skilled expertise comes along with on-time deliveries with best-known qualities.

3. A fresh perspective

Hiring someone from outside your company brings a different outlook on your needs and goals. It could stimulate great income-generating formulas. Even if you have a fair knowledge of design, it’s great to have someone from outside the company to look at your needs from a different and fresh perspective. This could mean better ideas and implementation.

4. A Consistent brand message

Consistency is the key when it comes to branding and the design team you’re going to hire will be experienced in adjusting the project all the while maintaining consistency. It’s highly probable that your company’s requirements and goals will be similar to the outsourced company’s previous projects. This experience enables them to not be bothered by challenges and portray what needs to be portrayed.

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Designing in the age of misinformation

By Business, Design

We live in an age of information and one who has more information (read data) the more powerful they are.

So if the information is that powerful, how impactful can a piece of misleading information be?

We have seen riots, political upsets and wars based on misinformation in the recent past. The problem is that you don’t need a rocket launcher to fire misinformation. A 140 character message is sufficient.In this age of information, the content creators have a great role to play. The power of design is much more impactful than any time before in history. The way data is presented can change perceptions. A piece of information presented in a form that it looks authentic is good enough to make people believe things.

Designers need to evolve and verify the authenticity of the information that they are going to design.

This might mean lost clients, fewer projects and initial resistance but will also mean a better planet, fewer wars and more satisfaction.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

Yes! I want free web audit

Not all superheroes wear capes.
A popular LinkedIn quote reads not all superheroes wear capes. Be that hero. Likewise, not all warriors need swords and bullets, fight your war with your choices. Only recently we saw an example where a designer exposed major brands for their insensitivity towards black lives matter protest and rejected their high paying offer for work. We need more such designers to elevate the role of designers in the world.

The way data is presented can change perceptions.

The rule to follow is to

Create what you can stand for. And once created, stand for what you have designed.

I would like to close with the quote, Design can change the world and let that change be for the good of the world.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

5 strategies we bet on to give your Finance presentation a sharp professional edge

By Business

Let’s address it already, Finance presentation has a reputation of being boring and can dread even the most devoted professionals. But as boring as the data is, it holds a huge significance to the industry, which makes it firmly non-negligible.

Whether you wish to present the past performance of an industry, or success rate of a marketing campaign, or maybe competitor data, a creatively designed Finance presentation can serve all these needs. 

In light of the above discussed subject matter, we offer you strategies that work like the Elder wand straight from Harry Potter to make your next finance presentation super professional!

1. Handling Finance and making a presentation on Finance is a complete different matter

Making a Finance Presentation is different from any other presentation. A template can serve purposes for corporate presentations/ charity organizations but definitely NOT for finance. Finance needs more space in the slides to inculcate the hefty amount of data while maintaining the aesthetics. 

So, here is what you can do. Make the data presented so impressive that you don’t have to depend on the template elements. Replace simple bar graphs with graphs of color branding, use animations, use the right typography to highlight things you want your audience’s focus on.


Now, let’s elaborate on the discussed suggestions and see them do the tricks for you.

2. Use of Graphical representation of data, a must for Finance presentation

Making such a presentation requires a careful arrangement of data and creativity. Bits of data and texts supported by images, comprising a large set of facts in a single graphical representation.


What your motto should beInscribe your idea in the audience’s minds! 

It is scientifically proven that the mind memorizes visual representation better than any other form of display of data. But usage of random graphs can alter the results. To make the presentation really gut-stirring and engaging, you need to have a definite rationale for using any graph. So, make sure to use proper graphs for specific presentations.

3. Do not overfeed your presentation

We understand how important it is to showcase your business number to your clients. But let’s face it, in this era of real short attention span you have to find ways to retain their attention till the last slide. And overfeeding it is not going to help it. Period.

So what do you do?

  • Do not stuff your presentation with numbers and figures. Don’t go too far using many difficult statistics, it becomes uninteresting. Use data and numbers wisely with a combination of graphical representations.
  • Simplify the data you are going to use. Empower your presentation with a well-sorted data depiction.
  • Monitor your textual content. Yes, not only the numbers but your words matter too. You might have a great vocabulary but refrain from using heavy words. Make sure your complex ideas shape up into short and clear sentences.

4. Choose the right font

“Type is what meaning looks like ~ Max Phillips”

You might think the variety of fonts available is just for the sake of freedom of choice. But it’s more than that, it lets you bolden your message. Take, for example, if you want to depict a message to scare the audience, you might want to go with something like “The Gypsy Curse” <in Chiller font, bold> rather than “The Gypsy Curse” <in Calibri font>. 

So choose your font intelligently, know what you want your texts to depict.

5. Work on the color combination of those slides

Color combination helps you attract your client’s attention unconsciously. What we advise is to keep the color of the background and the data/ text/ graphs in sharp contrast. Like a lighter color in the background and dark deep tones for the data. Also, make sure not to use tacky colors, you want the focus on data, and not on the eye-hurting colors. 

Another common mistake is highlighting the data rather than the message. Avoid doing this and focus on the vice versa! Trust me, nobody is interested in the numbers. They want to know what exactly it means. 


To encapsulate it all, our mantra : Design the data rather than fitting the data. 

Google slides vs MS PowerPoint – who wins?

By Business

Presentation is an important task in every business, and to do it efficiently you might be wondering which presentation platform to use.

Fortunately, you have us!

In what is to follow, we will present to you the comparison between the most common presentation programs – Google slides and PowerPoint.


PowerPoint has been the most widely used presentation platform and for a long period. Few competitors came into the market but with several limitations. What has been the next successful program would be Google slides.

Paid vs Free

It might seem very brutal of me to start my comparison with affordability, but let’s play it real. For many customers, buying an app isn’t an option. Also, what kind of hardware you can afford and what kind of devices, are a few other points to consider.Unless you are a student or a teacher, PowerPoint doesn’t come free. Once you are done with your graduation or end up your teaching career, you will have to pay for the app. Whereas, Google slides is absolutely free.

Who wins? So keeping it simple, in the context of Price, Google slides is the winner.

Real-time collaboration vs sharing files

Real-time collaboration isn’t really a task you can perform in PowerPoint while it is easier in Google Slides, wherein several people can work simultaneously on a single slide.
PowerPoint comes integrated with OneDrive with sharing options like email, direct link, and social media. You can also collaborate with various online editions of PowerPoint.
And, Google Slides comes integrated with Google Drive with sharing options such as email, direct link, and social media. You can collaborate with various other Google Apps for Work.

Who wins?  In terms of sharing and collaboration, both the program comes integrated with various sharing platforms but, since real-time collaboration is accessible on Google Slides, it wins here.

Templates and Themes

Templates and themes are a very crucial part of your presentation, it makes your slides interesting and makes sure it speaks for itself.
PowerPoint, though it has few templates and third party template provider, it definitely lacks catchy designs and suitable templates for a real professional presentation.
Whereas, Google slides really lacks in this area. Not only does it lack third party template providers but its default template is totally not up to the mark.

Who wins? In terms of Templates and themes, both the programs are at a disadvantage. So, for effective solutions you might consider referring to a designer for amazing templates for your presentation. For references to cool templates and themes for your presentation check out our presentation and pitch deck design portfolio

Embedding videos and web content

Though in the newer editions of PowerPoint adding images and videos from online sources is easier, it is a process is full of bugs. Especially adding a webpage still is a herculean task. Also, the older version of PowerPoint 2010 still doesn’t support embedding YouTube content.
Google slides allow you to embed online content from Google Drive, URL, Google images, YouTube. Though embedding is easier in Google Drive, but inserting any third part web page unless you use Google site which leaves out several important platforms like DailyMotion and Facebook.

Who wins? Embedding is easier on Google slides and can be a daunting task on PowerPoint. Hence, Google slides wins here.

Considering all the above arguments, we conclude, with Google Slides coming up with various new updates and serving the users with almost every contemporary features, Google slides as the winner. But that doesn’t say PowerPoint isn’t worth using, it has a great deal of nostalgic values attached to it. Its looks are still very familiar for a beginner and easy to cope with.


To help you deal with this unnerving task, we offer you a fully FREE presentation design review for any of your existing slide decks. 

We hope you agree with our assessment and keep creating awesome presentations.

6 ways we are Rugby tackling COVID- 19

By Business, Design

With the growing spread of COVID- 19, the virus is taking a heavy toll on the industries and enterprises.

In these desperate times, we are knuckling down to prosper relationships with our design industry families.

Here is how we are performing our part during the pandemic

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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  1. Several companies are furloughing and firing their workers. We understand the amount of anxiety and pressure one must go through when they lose their job.
    To aid during such unfortunate times we are helping our clients who just lost their jobs by proffering heavy discounts.
  1. Our work enthusiasm hasn’t faded even in such catastrophic cadence. Recently, we worked on a project with 99designs and Squarespace to bring some of the eateries in the US and around the globe go online so they can get work done even during this situation of lockdown.
    We are steadily working and delivering in off-hours as well.

We understand the amount of anxiety and pressure one must go through when they lose their job.

  1. The ongoing apocalypse is clubbing with the economy showing hard times to many enterprises. To hold hands with our family of clients, we are being flexible with payments.
    We have offered longer credits than usual to help keep the community grow.
  1. The Medical teams around the world have been working nothing less than a soldier for their nation. To do our part of the contribution,
    We are offering FREE design audits to doctors, nurses, and medical staff
  1. With social distancing being the recent global trend, remote work is the only answer for most of the industries. But many of the employees are inexpert for remote work.
    To help the community, we have settled upon not having pay cuts or lay off for the employees who are unable to take remote work.
  1. Our aim not only has been to keep the community strong but to keep adding members to our family.
    Yes, we are Hiring!
    We have been hiring during the times of pandemic in order to cherry-pick the talents in the market and of course, as a goodwill to the nation and workforce.

Though the times are hard, we are expecting positive outcomes out of the crisis. But it will be hard without your end of assistance. If you are looking for business during the pandemic, You have come to the right place!
You can choose us for guaranteed mutual growth.

To get in touch with us mail us at .
We look forward to hearing from you. Peace out.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

Visualizing a post-COVID normal

By Business

We are currently living in the Post-COVID world and the way we are working will be the new normal in the coming times. There are changes we should brace even after the pandemic is over.

Especially speaking of a country like India, social distancing will be the biggest ever behavioral change people will witness. Why you ask? India is a congested country, distancing or maintaining space isn’t in the Indian culture. But all of that is going to change.

There will be a lot of changes in the design required for this arrangement. Infrastructural changes will be required. From seating arrangements in school to how we travel in metros and trains will have to change and modify.

I see that in this post COVID world, design and innovation will take the forefront. Doors will be open for innovators, designers, and engineers to make the new normal seemingly good like the old one.

The design industry will evolve from just beautiful to fully functional. The creative minds will serve a great economic purpose.

How we can seamlessly fit in this new arrangement will decide how it expands or contracts.

The world has many reasons to be worried about but it’s time for the design industry to refresh and come up with innovation to make the world a better place to live.

The design has the power to motivate, give hope, and create impact. It’s the best time we evoke these emotions through the power of design and battle bad times out.

If you have 5 things while in lockdown then consider yourself very lucky.

By Business, Featured, Work from home


If you have all four members of immediate family with you and they all are healthy then nothing better than that. Not everyone has that luxury. See, it all happened quite suddenly and most of us are living by the day. Planning does not work and many people are stationed where they were before the lockdown. So if you are the one at home with your loved ones, consider yourself to be blessed.



Do you get enough sunshine and fresh air without you having to go out and hunt for it? Sunshine and fresh air add a lot to your healthy being and if you get it enjoy it.


Work from Home

Nothing better than a paid leave with no work. Right? Wrong. If you are a spirited person with a zeal to grow, you will soon be feeling that itch if you are not being productive enough. For a few days it might be fun but then you run out of movies to watch and episodes to catch up. If you are working from home then you are in a great place as you have things more important than repeat news to attend to.

Our mind wanders for fresh excitement and movies will not be able to satisfy those beyond a time. If you have a lot of time to kill you may get inclined toward following news. Game over. News can create panic and worthless excitement that may not keep you spirited for long.

If you do not have work assigned by somebody, then assign it to your self. Keep a dedicated routine for studying, learning new skills and follow the routine. We are not meant to sleep and pass time. We are meant to create the future and the time for it always now.


Food and daily needs access

Some people are safer than others as they live in isolated areas but they have a reason to worry as there are only a few shops nearby to cater to needs if things go worse. If you have food and medical access nearby then nothing better than that.

Do not stock but keep adequate supplies with you. When you go out shopping make a list to limit your rounds and to ensure you are not missing out on things.


Peace of mind

“Panic is always dumb”—Elon Musk

If you are at home and able to adjust to the new working environment with peace then you are doing a good job. With kids around, slow work speed, interruptions of different kinds and a lot of uncertainty in the air, it may look obvious for you to freak out at times. But peace is the mantra.

Panic does strange things to mind and creates the problems which do not exist yet and may not exist ever in our minds and signals the brain to work as if they are for real. The brain goes into alert mode and starts overreacting.  



These are testing times and tests are not easy at times. The good part is they always get over and then the result is always positive because either you win or you learn. So put your best foot forward, make the best use of this time and stay safe at home.

In this race against time one who settles wins but there is a lot you can still do while you are settled.


“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.”—Galileo Galilei