
Divi changed the website design game and how! Web designer’s viewpoint

By April 14, 2021No Comments

Today, Divi is a theme that is suitable for every kind of WordPress website and is very convenient in every way as well. But did this happen in just one go?
Definitely not!
It went through innumerable improvisations and updates to become what it is now. And it’s totally amazing!
From its drag and drop feature to complete liberty at customization, it has become the right choice for your WordPress website.
But that’s not it. It has become a revolutionary platform for the Divi web designers as well.
Divi doesn’t just excel at giving great outputs but also has streamlined the work for Divi web designers.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

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Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

Get it now!

Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

This power-packed theme has completely changed the web designing game.
Here, take a look at all the Divi features that made it possible:

Drag and drop content editor
The basic but the main feature of Divi is the content creation from scratch or customization of the templates. The scope and ease of this function have reached its perfection.
It lets you create custom page designs, custom theme templates, reusable content with optimum convenience via content modules.
For the Divi web designer, it means an experience that gets the work done with minimum hassle.

Reusable custom content
Yes, we can customize everything on Divi. But you know what the best part is?
It can be reused anywhere, at any time.
Everything you create gets saved via Divi modules. Basically, you get complete control over each and every one of your creations. You can save them, reuse them, or update them, all in a jiffy.

This unique Divi feature lets you shift your layouts and assets among your WordPress websites. For those with multiple websites, it’s a great feature that eases the work and gets things done faster.
However, this stage comes while updating a website and not while actually creating one.

Ease of use
Being a different theme as compared to the other ones on WordPress, it’s takes a short while to get used to it. But that little effort is worth so much.
Once you get acquainted with everything that Divi has to offer, it turns into a ride you enjoy.
Because, who doesn’t like to get great results with ease at work? Definitely the ideal situation!

Complete creative charge
After all the updates and improvizations, Divi has reached the next level where it allows customization to literally everything.
You can control every aspect of your website.
Be it the pages, posts, layout, or any other tiny element, you can have it just like you want it.

Custom headers and footers
Talking of customizations, did you know you could customize the headers and footers of your website as well?
It’s the news and a great one at that!
Divi has opened the way to creating templates for your headers, footers, blog posts, e-commerce products, 404-error pages, and many more elements. Or let’s just call that ‘Everything’!

Unique blog post and archive templates
The blog page of your dreams that you don’t need to create every time from scratch.
Wasn’t that the dream?
Well, it’s the one that has been fulfilled.
Yes, you read it right.
Templates for blog posts are a life-changing feature.
They give you a great layout for your blog pages. Furthermore, it helps you to control the tiniest of details like the display of title, author, date, design elements, etc.

Divi leads optimization tool
The ultimate point of creating a website is to give the business a boost. Hence, a website cannot just look good. It is a success only if it converts.
To make sure of that, Divi has a special split-testing feature. It’s a great tool that lets us analyze the audience on your web pages and note their responses.
This tool enables the comparison of two versions of the elements on your website and helps you to optimize them. It also enables multiple testing at the same time to let you optimize your complete website, swiftly.
This functionality can be achieved via plugins but its integration in a theme itself makes it much more convenient and cheaper.

Content modules
The is the representation of the level of Divi’s assistance to the user. Divi has content modules with 46 elements that have everything from images to calls to actions and everything in between like, audio, video, text, buttons, sliders, pricing tables, accordions, Adsense, and much more. And, like everything else, these modules can be customized to fit your needs.

What is Divi, if not fast? Creating, editing, or updating a Divi website is not just easy but quick as well. You don’t just have to accept our words, we have proof also.
Read about our quickest Divi websites.

The features above are a reason enough for you to opt for a Divi website. Looking for great templates? Divi is for you. Looking for complete customization? Divi is for you. Looking to customize the templates a little? Divi is for you.
And let’s remember, the ease of using Divi is its highest selling point. Whatever the case, Divi will get you what you want.
So, wait no more and get your Divi website, today!

Have questions or need someone to bring them to reality for you?

We’re ready for anything and everything you require.
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Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra

Nishant Sapra is an Indian design solution expert and infographic maestro, an avid learner with over 20 certifications in various business and design domains, and an Author too. He is the founder and creative head at The Dreamer Designs, an award-winning design agency from India. He is an entrepreneur with three businesses in the field of education, design, and e-commerce. When not working he likes reading, socializing, and spending time with his family. His dedication to extraordinary and beauty have compelled Nishant to hike his brand to international clients. You may be familiar with one of his pan-global projects, such as projects with brands like Mercedes, Microsoft, and Upwork. If not, howdy and lovely meeting you! Find him online (site/ mail/ facebook /linkedin)