
design stratedy

Visualizing a post-COVID normal

By Business

We are currently living in the Post-COVID world and the way we are working will be the new normal in the coming times. There are changes we should brace even after the pandemic is over.

Especially speaking of a country like India, social distancing will be the biggest ever behavioral change people will witness. Why you ask? India is a congested country, distancing or maintaining space isn’t in the Indian culture. But all of that is going to change.

There will be a lot of changes in the design required for this arrangement. Infrastructural changes will be required. From seating arrangements in school to how we travel in metros and trains will have to change and modify.

I see that in this post COVID world, design and innovation will take the forefront. Doors will be open for innovators, designers, and engineers to make the new normal seemingly good like the old one.

The design industry will evolve from just beautiful to fully functional. The creative minds will serve a great economic purpose.

How we can seamlessly fit in this new arrangement will decide how it expands or contracts.

The world has many reasons to be worried about but it’s time for the design industry to refresh and come up with innovation to make the world a better place to live.

The design has the power to motivate, give hope, and create impact. It’s the best time we evoke these emotions through the power of design and battle bad times out.

2 secrets and 3 keys is all you need to evoke “Trust” with the power of design in your finance business.

By Design, finance

Finance is a business that has been historically associated with stuff like numbers and charts but what changes did the industry see in the recent past?

One dramatic change is the inclusion of design and aesthetics in the financial sphere. Chances are you have seen swanky graphics and charts replacing the old ones like this.

Comparison between old style finance charts and modern swanky one by The Dreamer Designs

Also you must have seen giants like PayPal, Xoom, and maybe your own banks as well, have suddenly taken the race to millennialism.

There are two reasons for this,  One, they know who is going to be their market in the near future: The millennials.

Second, they now know one secret that the old financial institutions couldn’t explore. The secret that their customers aren’t buying charts but they are buying “trust”. And trust is an emotion that can be evoked with the right kind of Design.

Yes, you read it right. You can simply present yourself as more trustworthy even without meeting your prospect. 

For the sake of simplicity, understand it this way. You are about to make a big financial deal and you meet the person with who you will be dealing with. He has shabby looks and calls you at a small noisy bar. Will you be comfortable making the deal?

Now evaluate what image your website and presentations exhibit to your customer. Is it the same polished look when you dress up when presenting your best self?

Take another example. Every time you meet that guy he has different answers when asked about his roots. Will that raise some concerns?

Similar concerns may appear if a business doesn’t maintain consistency in its branding. It looks different in business cards and a lot different on the website.

The finance industry is about trust and sooner we know how to control that emotion the better we can handle it.

Now that we have fairly established the importance of design and its superpower to evoke trust, let’s evaluate how it can be used to your benefit.

Like no magic is successful without a practiced magician, no emotion is evoked without a practiced designer.

When looking for someone who can set the right image for your business make sure you have some basics covered. Look for these 3 very important keys when engaging with a design consultant.

Variety of services.

A Designer should be able to offer a variety of solutions so brand consistency can be maintained.  Different designers for one brand would mean different looks for different days. One who can create infographics and showcase the numbers well and can also work on your website. One who knows print and knows digital marketing as well.

Legit by all means.

Money business is already full of things to take care of and in the midst of it you don’t want to be dragged for a silly copyright violation issue because you have used a graphic that is not licensed. Ensure that the designer you have is all covered with legit design assets and keeps you safe from such issues. Ask them if they get the images from legit sources or they pitch the stuff from google and remove watermark? If later is the case, stay far away.

Experience of working in the finance industry.

See if your designer has a dedicated portfolio of services for just finance related clients. Have they worked with any noted names in the industry, How long they have been able to retain a client particularly in the finance segment?

Are they comfortable with handling numbers in their designs?

How many years of experience do they have?  Getting on with someone 10 years plus maybe a safe bet but just do not have that number as your parameter. Look for their portfolio and clients they have worked with.

We hope these tips will help you make the best decision for your finance business and if you think you need some design related help but still have doubts left, please let us know and avail our absolutely free and nonobligatory design audit for your business. We offer you an absolutely FREE and exclusive report customized to your business where we share insight on what changes the power of design can bring to your business.

Role of Design in preventing and managing epidemics.

By Design, Featured

“Design can save the world.” This statement is very relevant today and has a big role to play.

Design is at times considered limited to its visual appeal and the functional part of the same is ignored. But, the reality is that good design is both beautiful and functional. In today’s world where diseases have taken over mankind, the design has a special role to play and it is to save the world.

By now, chances are you may be aware of various kinds of masks available in the market and the design of one may make it more functional than others. On the digital front, there are various information portals available but with so much data mushrooming, the best way to present the same decides the effectiveness of data.

The clarity of the presentation of data regulates its absorb-ability. The more absorbable the data is, the better it will be understood. More awareness will lead to better prevention of disease. Social media channels are full of images and those well designed are creating more impact than others. As designers we have a huge responsibility to make only the right information visible.

Sure, there are some ideas that we can explore as we walk through these roads. How healthcare devices can be made more expandable? How we can make our web portals more accessible? How ambulances can be designed better for quicker reach? How hospitals can be designed and developed in a shorter time when-ever there is an emergency?

There is a lot that design can do and with the power of the right design we have the hope to save the world.

Being a winner will be BIG

By Announcements, Design
It’s so gripping to have touched this milestone and becoming a part of the ury is enthralling.
AWWWARDS are a pipe dream triumph for any designer and being a part of the jury means a great deal.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

Yes! I want free web audit

With this young Jury certificate comes the message which states ” a group of leading digital design professionals who use their experience and knowledge to judge web projects from all over the world” and I have a hunch that our long haul has paid off and has started yielding fruits of a big hit.
It’s furthermore a long way and we have our seatbelts tight!

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you