
design thinking

Why do you need Divi Theme and Divi Builder?

By Design

Divi is a WordPress theme introduced by Elegant Themes that allows Divi web designers full customization of your website, from the fonts to the placement of every element. Divi Builder is a plugin that comes with the theme when you buy it, and can also be used as a plugin for other themes. 

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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First, let’s discuss the features of the Divi theme:

1. Divi theme and customization
Divi is a WordPress theme that allows complete customization of your website. Every element of your website can be personalized as you like it. From the colors to the fonts and placement of elements, you can customize everything to fit your brand perfectly.

2. Split testing
Divi has a tool called Divi Leads that allows you to split test how visitors respond to different versions of a design. Imagine you can’t decide between two headlines. Divi lets you create two versions of the design, each using one of the two headline options. You can then put them to split testing and find out which version has a higher rate of conversion after broadcasting both the designs to visitors.

3. Best WordPress theme of 2020
Divi web designer chose Divi as the best WordPress theme of 2020 due to its ease of use and all the features it provides. With the global pandemic and businesses going online building websites was so much easier and user-friendly with Divi. Click here to find out why Divi designers chose Divi as the best WordPress theme of 2020.

Now that you know about the Divi theme let’s get to the Divi Builder plugin.


The Divi builder works on two levels: the standard level ‘Back end’ and the visual level ‘Front end’. 

Fundamentally, the builder eases the designer into the when designing process. The difference between the two levels is their interface. While the back end builder works seamlessly with every WordPress them and can be accessed while still in the dashboard, the front end builder is quite different. The standard level builder makes modifications much more easier.

If you have a website that you are happy with, but there is still a feature, that you like, that only the Divi theme can perform, you can install the Divi Builder plugin and do it without having to change your website theme completely. The plugin allows you to access the features of  Divi theme in your website made with other themes.

Divi theme and the Divi builder plugin are individual entities that can exist without the other for sure but together can create magic like nothing ever has. There is no competition between the theme and the mechanism that helps its operation. Divi builder can be used with other themes and other plugins can be used with Divi theme. We believe that they are great on their own, but together they are unbeatable.

Want the best Divi web designer and team to create your Divi website or add the Divi builder plugin to your pre-existing website?

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What do web designers think about Divi?

By Design

We have been talking about the features of Divi for a long time now and we’re clearly a fan of how things turn out.
However, it is absolutely essential to consider how it impacts the process for the Divi web designers.
Today, we’re here to present our opinion as Divi web designers who use Divi every day. Well, that clearly says we love it. But, let’s explain why.
Web designers get along with Divi much better than any other WordPress theme. It has completely changed the web designing experience for the designers. It boosted our capabilities and took us to the next level.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Although it took a short while to get acquainted with it, it was absolutely worth it. Today, we work with it seamlessly every day and bring out great outputs.


To be exact, here are the Divi features we love the most as Divi web designers:

Flawless User experience
In simple words, it has made the website designing process comparatively easy. Although, it didn’t start that way. Divi was much different than the themes we used before and working on it meant getting out of the comfort zone but only for a short period.
Gradually, it became much simpler.

The ease of Visual Builder
This is a great feature for beginners who are still adapting to how Divi works. It’s literally possible to pick and place what you see.
This feature takes the confusion out of the process of website designing. How cool is that?

Convenience for the clients
Yes, it’s true. There is nothing more convenient for them than to be able to make minor changes themselves. Imagine not feeling the need to turn to the designers for making little changes from time to time because of the hurdle called coding.
Well, that doesn’t happen anymore. They just click on what they want to edit and it’s done.
Win-win for everyone, right?
The visual builder makes it all the easier for them also.
Here are some of the websites we built keeping the convenience of the clients in focus.

Quick and easy
What would be worse than forgetting to save your custom made elements and layouts? It’s completely heartbreaking. But our heart stays together until we have Divi. It autosaves everything we create.
This is what makes Divi the favorite theme for our developers as well. No matter if we use the pre-made Divi layout or make our own, it doesn’t have to be made from scratch every time. Furthermore, it doesn’t have to be developed every time either.
Divi also backs up every change we make. It’s like we do not lose any work done. It is all there to be used anytime.

Hassle-free updates
No one likes a stagnant website. The world changes every day and websites move along with them. There is always scope for updates and it is should not be a difficult task, enough to postpone the updates. But obviously, not anymore.
Divi has made updating an easy task. As a result, updates are made swiftly without any delay.

A/B testing
Divi Leads has made A/B testing so much simpler. Unlike before, there is no need to install an outside plugin to conduct the test. The split testing system of Divi compares two variations of any element and identifies that works better in front of the audience in terms of clicks, sales or engagement. Ultimately, you choose the better one for your website.

We would like to conclude by saying that Divi overcame the complexities of work for us and that is pretty much reason enough for us to be on team Divi! Know more about its unbeatable features here.
As designers, we get acquainted with new things every day but Divi is something we would like to stick to. But again, the real output depends upon how we use this blessing of a tool. It’s our creativity that makes the use of all of Divi’s features and we live by that to give our best.
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How does a Divi web designer make a website load faster?

By Design

When a Divi web designer starts developing a website, the one thing that they look for is to create a website that is functional and also fast. Google and other search engines prioritize faster loading websites in search results to give their users a good experience. They understand that making the users wait even for a few seconds might test their patience and they’ll leave the website to find a much faster alternative. Losing a potential customer is a no-no and Divi web designers should do everything to avoid this.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

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Wondering how a Divi web designer makes a website load faster? Read along to find out.

1. Before designing
Before designing a website, a designer must plan what he is looking to create. Using many images might cause the website to buffer and decrease its performance. To make sure the website is perfect, keep its future growth in mind while planning the design.

2. Hosting service
Good hosting can help load the website faster. A Divi web designer should choose a good host for the website and make it faster. Before developing the website, the designer will plan the website and choose a suitable web hosting service from Shared, VPS, Cloud, and also Managed web hosting service providers.

3. Resize and optimize images
Images are one of the things that make a website slow down. Resizing the images and optimizing them to a file size that would take lesser time to load is one thing that Divi designers do to create a website that loads faster. Check out some of the fast loading websites we created with Divi that has plenty of optimized images.

4. Caching plugins
A plugin is a service that helps enhance the performance of your website by adding certain functions to it. A caching plugin enhances the already existing sever caching and store a static version of your website in the system of the visitor, who had previously visited to reduce the time to load.

5. Set up CDN
Content Delivery Network helps reduce the time it takes to load your website by creating a copy of the same and hosting it on their server worldwide. They read the location of the visitor and loads the website from a server closest to them. This reduces the time it would normally take for the server to their browser.

6. Choose plugins wisely
There are plenty of WordPress plugins available in the market that claims to do various functions but not all of them are properly created and sometimes may affect your website adversely and slow your website down. Your Divi web designer should make sure that the plugins are of good quality, up to date, and compatible with the latest version of WordPress. Another thing to keep in mind is to not use too many plugins. If the function they provide is not necessary, remove the plugin immediately. Click here to find perfect plugins to enhance website performance.

7. Compress files
Files such as Javascript uses codes that humans can read and will be a few sizes too large. This takes space and in turn makes the website slower. Compressing these files will remove the space they take up and change the code format. This reduces the size of the file and makes the website load faster. Your Divi web designer should be able to find some Caching plugin that helps with both caching and file compressing.

Research has proven that a fast loading website tends to have a higher rate of conversion. Divi is a theme that will help you create a website that is fast and easy to handle. And to use Divi effectively, all you’ve got to do is find the best Divi web designer.
A faster loading website always scores higher. Feel free to contact us to get yourself a fast loading Divi website now!

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2021, the best year to get your web design

By Design

With the pandemic, businesses went online and turned an otherwise adverse situation into profit. Web designers had a huge task ahead of them and had to tackle this in a way that would help the clients have a great experience. To create this unique experience we chose Divi.



Now, we do hope 2021 is a better year, but from a Divi web designer to you, Divi has been the best theme we have used to create websites that fit our clients perfectly and, we will continue to use it to create the best website for the owners.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

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If you want to find out what Divi offers to the website owners, read ahead.

1. The global pandemic effect
2020 was a year like no other. Because of the global pandemic, every business went online. Following this, in the year 2021, it would be a perfect idea to get your website. Divi was one of the best WordPress themes in the year 2020 and, we believe the same would be the case this year as well.

2. Split testing or A/B testing
While creating a website, what matters is the rate of conversion. The rate of conversion is the number of website visitors that converts into a customer. Divi web designers create 2-3 website samples for your brand and, Divi allows you to find out which one has the maximum possibility of conversion. Putting the sample designs to test to find the one that has a higher rate of conversion is called A/B testing.

3. Allows complete customization
Divi lets your designer customize every element of your website to make it just as you want it to be, such as the layout, colors, fonts, without much of a hassle. It helps save time and create a website that is tailor-made for your brand.

4. Aesthetics
A web design is supposed to have the perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics. Divi allows Divi designers to create an aesthetically pleasing website that would go hand-in-hand with your brand, just the way you like it. Need inspiration for the aesthetic of your website? Here are a few websites we created using Divi that helps you find the aesthetic look that will fit your website.

5. Speed
Websites created with Divi are quick and responsive. This ensures that your website loads faster and the visitors do not leave the website due to buffering. Divi helps a website of a larger size load faster than a website of the same size made using other themes

6. Ease of usage
Divi is one of the few WordPress themes that allow the owners to handle the website easily. It is easy to edit and control the elements on the website such as the font, color, placement, etc. For the business owner who is looking for a website that would allow them to concentrate more on their business and not on handling the website, Divi is the best theme to use.

7. Keeps evolving
Divi theme regularly updates the theme and adds new plugins and modules that help your website work better. It helps keep your website up-to-date and brings in new possibilities to enhance the performance.

The takeaway

If you have been pondering on the idea of getting a website designed, Divi is the best choice. It will help you keep your website in the best shape with lesser effort. Divi also supports various plugins that can help enhance the performance to fit your website. No matter what size your website, Divi is the solution to create it.

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Why is Divi, web designer’s choice for 2021?

By Design

2020 was the year when Divi saw a hike in its users. Small businesses and other offline businesses all went online. Divi was the easiest to use hence the increase in the number of users. But, would designers choose Divi in the year 2021? YES!



Divi is a WordPress theme introduced by Elegant Themes, that lets you customize your website theme as per your needs. Now, let me tell you why there will be more web designers using Divi this year.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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1. Drag and drop option
Divi provides the option to edit your website at the front end by dragging and dropping. You can see the layout and edit it easily using this option. It helps reduce the efforts needed to create a web design.

2. Allows Divi designers to use custom CSS
Divi lets the designers use their custom Cascading Style Sheet. It makes it easier to create a consistent design for the client.
If you’re wondering how we made use of this feature, here here to view some of the websites we made using Divi.

3. Allows full customization
Divi allows the designer to edit every element in the design. It assists in creating a personalized website for the client. Customization helps designers to make a website that suits the brand perfectly.

4. Visual editing
Divi allows you to edit your website and view the changes you have made immediately. You can create a custom website using its visual appeal with Divi.

5. Responsive websites
Responsive websites are websites that would adapt their size to look good on any screen size.
Divi lets you create a responsive website that is customizable with a little effort. It helps a Divi web designer to finish the task quicker.

6. Front end text editing
No more back end coding hassle to edit the text. If you wish to add text to the website, all you’ve got to do is click and start typing. As a designer, Divi gives us the advantage to just click and type instead of pulling up the entire code to edit it. Saves so much time.

7. Animations
Studies have shown that in the year 2021, animations would be a great deal in web designs. Divi allows the designer to add animation to any element of the website. These animations can be the ones that already exist in Divi, or you can also customize them to make your animation.

8. Plugins
Divi comes with plugins such as Divi Builder, Monarch, and Bloom, which can be used to enhance the performance of the website, and it also supports various external plugins.

There is no doubt in the fact that the number of Divi web designers will only increase in the year 2021 because of its ease of usage, efficiency, and speed. Along with the WordPress theme, there will be more websites that will make use of the Divi plugins that will help bring various Divi options to their existing websites. As a Divi web designer, I have had plenty of advantages when it comes to delivering a unique experience to all my clients with the help of customization. I can tell you for sure that I will not quit using Divi for many years to come. They update the theme regularly according to the new technologies and trends keeping it new and ‘in’.
Get in touch to get your website designed using the best WordPress theme out there.

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What is Divi split testing and why is it useful

By Design

Since its introduction in 2013, Elegant Themes has constantly updated and added new features to Divi to enhance its performance. Divi is a powerful WordPress theme that was web designers favorite in 2020. A few years back, Divi introduced another one of their powerful web designing tools that helps find the best among all the options, Divi Leads.


Divi Leads is a split testing system that allows Divi web designers to create various web designs and test them to find out which among them has a higher rate of conversion. It allows you to broadcast different versions of the design and find the one that has a higher conversion rate. This is done by analysing the visitors data after broadcasting both the versions.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Let’s look at the advantages of Divi Leads.

Goal selection
While split testing you can set a goal that you want to achieve using your website or design. Divi Leads will analyze the engagement of the design and track statistics and tell you the design that was able to achieve the goal and its conversion rate.

Easy analysis
Divi leads will track the performance of all the designs you have put to test and present the results in a graph that is easy to understand and it will be clear which version works the best and Divi designers can choose that design as the winner. Click here to view some of the best web designs we created using Divi Theme.

Convenience for the clients
Yes, it’s true. There is nothing more convenient for them than to be able to make minor changes themselves. Imagine not feeling the need to turn to the designers for making little changes from time to time because of the hurdle called coding.
Well, that doesn’t happen anymore. They just click on what they want to edit and it’s done.
Win-win for everyone, right?
The visual builder makes it all the easier for them also.
Here are some of the websites we built keeping the convenience of the clients in focus.

Testing everything
Using Divi Leads Divi web designers can analyze how visitors respond to minute details. The test can be conducted to find out the better performing design of individual modules to the whole website. You can put various design versions to test using Divi Leads.

Starting a test and analyzing the result
Divi is one of the most user-friendly WordPress themes out there. Divi Leads also follows the same path and has a user-friendly interface. To test a design one has to simply right-click and select the ‘split test’ option. A duplicate of the design will be created so that Divi web designers can go ahead and create more versions of the design. Before Divi Leads starts tracking the performance, designers set the goal they are looking for and once the design has been broadcasted, data is analyzed, and a graph showing the performance of each variation will be shown.

A Divi web designer always makes sure to create a web design that is aesthetically pleasing and has a higher rate of conversion. Sometimes they might be able to create completely customized that fit your brand perfectly. Divi Leads help the designer to choose the best design according to its performance and how visitors react to each of them. Have a few ideas for the headline, and cannot decide which is the best? Worry not, split testing will help you find out the headline that has a higher chance of grabbing visitor’s attention. But, when you’re putting design variations to test, make sure these designs are some of the best designs that are aesthetic and functional. To get perfect designs, all you need to do is connect with us and we will make sure your web design has a higher rate of conversion using Divi Leads.

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Common WordPress mistakes that are killing your website

By Design

Your website represents you in the world of the internet and nobody wants to make a bad impression on the world wide web. A single error in your website might cause a lot more damage than you think. Having an error free WordPress website is not impossible yet it needs a lot of effort. With the help of a professional, you can make your website error free. A regular check-up of your website will help you find the mistakes and rectify them.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Here are a few mistakes that you could be making that might be killing your website.

Not having a child theme
A child theme helps you modify the parent theme, the main theme, without making changes to its design and code. Child themes inherit the functionality and style of its parent theme. If you constantly update your theme and add new elements to it, having a child theme could help you do this quicker. Creating a child theme could be a trickier task if you’re a newbie to the world of designs. To help you with the installation of a child theme you can ask your design team.

Unnecessary pages and plugins
Plugins are a great tool to add functionality to your WordPress website. Click here to read about a few of our favourite WordPress plugins. But sometimes, less is more and having too many unnecessary plugins can affect your website negatively. Make sure to regularly update your website and remove plugins that do not have any use for your website.
The issues with plugins is that sometimes even after deleting these plugins they can leave behind data in your database. These are called orphaned rows and they can cause issues related to security. It is really hard to find these orphaned rows, but one thing that can be done is constantly searching your database for data related to the deleted plugin using the name of it.

Using a plugin that is too big
Various plugins are available for various purposes. Finding the right one that fits your purpose is an art. Sometimes, you might have found a plugin that helps you with something but it might be too big for your WordPress website. You can seek expert help to find a plugin that fits the purpose and the size of your website perfectly.

Having WP admin as the admin page
This is an error that can tamper with the security of your website. Changing your page admin is helps keep your website secure and also create a unique login experience for the users. To change the admin you need to use a plugin. Without plugin, changing the admin might affect the functioning of your website. There are a few plugins that could help you do this, all you need to do is ask your designer to help you find the right one for your brand and website.

Using a free theme
This might seem like a wrong point to be in this article, but the truth is free themes do not always leave a good impression. This might be due to the fact that free themes are not custom made for your website, and might not go hand in hand with your brand. Remember, if you care about your online presence invest in a theme made just for you by expert designers.

Using untrustworthy plugins
Yes, not all plugins might be trustable. Some plugins might not be recognised by WordPress. One should verify that the resources they use are trustworthy and not just another scam. During the recent times, questionable plugins have been gaining spotlight but remember, these might not be legal and might cheat money off of you. Seek help from professionals to learn more about plugins.

Images used
This point cannot be emphasized enough. Do not ever use low quality images and images that don’t go very well with your brand and what you stand for. Invest in good quality images and do not put extremely large images in your website since this tends to make your website slow and you might end up losing visitors.

Outdated themes/PHP version
When handling your website you need to have a clear idea about which version of Hypertext Pre-processor(PHP)it is using. This can be done by going to cPanel in your web hosting account. After finding out the version make sure to always keep your PHP version updated. Also getting your website theme updated regularly can help bring more traffic to your website.

You might have thought that handling a WordPress website is pretty simple, but the truth is far from it. It is a never ending task and needs constant auditing and check-ups. Experts at The Dreamer Designs are always available to audit your websites and also help you rectify the errors in it.

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For the Entrepreneurs: Here’s how to maintain your website

By Design

By now, it’s no secret that your website forms your first impression towards your audience. Now, would you want it to be established through an outdated website that loads slowly or has broken links?
It’ll do your business more harm than you could fathom. It’ll give out the impression that you’re least bothered about the user experience on your website. Now, this is something you don’t want.



Your website must portray your strongest points that make it irresistible. Hence, only getting it designed well won’t work. To keep it in the best functioning form, you must keep it maintained as well. Your inevitable step towards a stunning website will be keeping every element in its best phase.

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Want to know how to make sure of it?
Here are a few tips we handpicked for you to keep your website on top:

1. Updates and plugins
Were you under the impression that plugins update on their own? Well, now take note that they don’t.
Not only will they slow down your page, but will also make scope for cyber issues. Make it a regular habit to check for updates of all the plugins and make sure they don’t hamper the performance of your new plugins as well.

2. Keep a backup- don’t risk losing your website
We always keep a backup for all our important files and documents, in case we were to lose them.
Isn’t that more crucial for your website? If your website broke, it would be the biggest issue.
Keeping a backup will save you from misery. It is always better to be cautious beforehand than to regret it later.

3. Broken links repel
Yes, it’s true. There is nothing more convenient for them than to be able to make minor changes themselves. Imagine not feeling the need to turn to the What is the worst thing that can happen to a consumer? It’s to find a link to the product they have been waiting for and confronting a broken link instead. That one broken link will create a bad experience for users & will bring the ranking of your website down.
No matter if your website has a few pages or if it’s a large one, check for broken links regularly. There are various tools that let you indemnify them. Ensure proper functioning of all the links on your website for a smooth user experience and high google rankings.

4. Secure your website
If your website is not secure, you might get to maintain it.
This is a tip that isn’t taken seriously by a lot of people but it’s absolutely essential to make sure your website isn’t accessed from outside the company.
Shuffling the passwords should enter your list of agendas every few months. And of course, the smart move would be to make it unique and complex every time.

5. Prompt page speed
The speed of your web pages really affects the consumer satisfaction on your website. And while the motive is to make their experience a delight, it becomes essential to make sure your web pages work swiftly.
Obviously, it’ll start with identifying the causes of a slow webpage. There are tools to identify all of them and get them fixed. Make sure your website designer knows of them and keeps a check on the speed.

6. Guard against cybercrime
If you have a small website, you may be under the illusion that the hackers won’t be inclined towards your website. But, that’s definitely not the case. They are inclined towards the easiest of the websites to infiltrate and not the biggest ones.
Are you prepared enough to defend yourself against it?
A minor crack will take your website down. It’s crucial to leave nothing unnoticed. Of course, there are tools to identify infiltration on your website. Make it a habit to win them periodically and get rid of all the unwanted or unknown files.
Also, always take a back up after the scan comes clear.

7. Make it look good
While it is established that your website puts out your first impression in front of the audience, you cannot afford to have it give out a bad one.
A human eye gets attracted to what it sees and that is what forms an impression. It implies that whatever the audience sees, it has to be eye-pleasing. Even if it works effortlessly, you have to put in all the efforts when it comes to the design. The graphics should be attractive and modern.

8. Optimize SEO
Everything becomes worthless if your website isn’t receiving the traffic it deserves.
Whose fault is that? Well, it’s your responsibility to make sure your website doesn’t suffer. Optimize the SEO for your website and get the traffic flowing on it. The inflow of targeted audiences will push your success out of bounds.

9. Bring the content to perfection
The content on your website becomes your mode of communication with the audience. Will you always say the same thing?
Obviously, not! It has to be effective, interactive, engaging, prompt, and should be updated whenever needed.
It must have elements like videos, gifs, graphics, etc. Along with it, it must be proofread several times. Any typo, grammatical error, or plagiarism will not put out a good word for you.

10. Social Media
Is the information enough for the audience to develop trust in your brand? No, it’s not. You need more platforms to create an impact on them. Social media is the way to go. The kind of engagement it creates can’t be done via any other platform. It makes it easier for the audience to reach you and unlike the website, the communication turns into a two-way street.
Various platforms like Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc, are free outlets for you to engage your audience.

These are a few tips we swear by to keep your website in its best version. The next step is to take action on the advice.

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The mighty Divi presets for Divi web designers

By Design

We all know the scope of customization in Divi is simply endless. We can literally take any module and make changes to it as per our needs. Divi is all about complete design control.
But at the same time, is it practical to create each and every element from scratch every time we create a website? That would take a lot of time, much more than actually needed.


Well, the Divi presets rid us of that. We can create any custom element or page and save it as a preset for further use. These presets can be reused anytime while creating a new page for a website.
Presets are so great that you can create your own little library of elements and designs.
Every little detail, from rows, columns to modules, can be customized and then saved as a preset, to be used anywhere on a website.
Want to know the best part about it? When you need to update elements, you just have to update the preset and all the associated elements will be automatically updated.

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If required, you can also further customize any element.

Default Divi Preset
Amongst the many presets we create, any one of them can be set as the default preset. The new elements will automatically base themselves upon that default preset, streamlining our work even more. But yes, obviously, you can further customize those elements as per the requirements.

Why use Presets
Presets are a time-saving tool for the Divi web designers. They are extremely efficient and reusable for any element at any time.
They can be used for creating a new element or to update and pre-existing one.
Setting a preset as a default preset saves all the more time. It completely negates the need to assign a preset for any element. The efficiency of the workflow that comes through Divi presets is simply amazing.
Even while updating the elements, it gets the work done quickly. Instead of updating every element separately, it gets done swiftly in just a few steps.

New Divi Presets and old Global Defaults
The old global defaults within Divi was a tool that allowed the users to just create one default for every element. On the other hand, the new Divi presets allow the user to create multiple presets for each and every requirement.
With the new Divi presets, the user has the liberty to choose from the many presets created, the best suited to the need.

Designing New Divi Presets
Designing presets is not a very difficult task as such. There are dropdown menus on the panel for the settings. It’s pretty simple to do and self-explanatory once you try your hand on it.
However, here’s a glimpse of what to do:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu, found at the top of all settings panel and select ‘Add new Preset’.
  2. Give your preset a name.
  3. Explore the design settings and customize the preset.
  4. Save the preset.

This preset will now be available in the preset dropdown menu and you can choose it when you create any new element.

For a Divi web designer, creating every element from scratch every time is gruesome. It’s a lot of work. Furthermore, updating is just as hectic. Every element will have to be updated separately.

While that’s exactly what happens for most builders and for Divi till recently, the presets have completely changed the game. Yes, it definitely took some getting used to but it’s so worth it.
Creating websites has become easier and quicker which gives the Divi web designers much time to focus on their creativity to build one of a kind website.
This is really the chance for the designers to push themselves.


Well, this is much knowledge to absorb in one go but there is more to know.
Get on a call with us and let’s discuss!

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Our quickest in-house productions: Divi web design edition

By Design

One of the most popular themes by WordPress, Divi, owes it to each and every one of its amazing features. Be it the template collection, plugins, or the constant improvement of all the features, Divi rocks!
After establishing our fanship for Divi, we as Divi web designers, have got to put good reason in front of it.
Well, let us just say, it’s flawless. Coming from the large investment put into it, it gets upgraded very often and slays with new features all the time. The built-in split testing system and page builder are the two most sought after features.
However, the real power of Divi comes from its scope of flexibility and potential, which is never-ending. A truly customized product can be delivered by Divi’s versatility.


Do you know what is the best part about it? The promptness with which it gets the work done makes it a short and simple procedure for a good designer. For an experienced Divi web designer, it works like a charm, even when in a hurry.
But, we’re definitely not asking you to go by our word only. You have the option to please your eyes as well.

We have listed a few of our in-house Divi websites that were built very quickly. But who can tell?
Take a look at them yourself:

1. ACS West Virginia

Time taken for its design and development- 1 month


ACS West Virginia Chapter aims at unifying the surgeons and physicians and working together towards better patient care. They have formed this organization to share their experiences and resources amongst themselves.
The challenge faced during the making of this website was to speed up its development, to enable registrations for one of their upcoming events.
Although this website looks like an informational one but payment functionality had to be integrated into it. And, we had Divi.
So, Stripe was successfully integrated without much hassle. Divi supports most of the payment gateways such as Razor pay, PayPal, and Stripe.
Irrespective of the deadline, this website didn’t just turn out to be successful but also an award-winning one.

2. Little Monks PlayLab

Time taken for its design and development- 2 weeks


Little Monks PlayLab offers after school developmental activities for kids below the age of 10 years. It aims at the fundamental growth of children and focuses upon not the literacy of the kids but their education.
The website for the play lab had to be launched before the opening of the activity area to give out information to the parents about it.
And, in just 2 weeks, it was all done.
Soon after, it was expanded to take registrations as well and Divi made it an easy task.
However, the real task came in when everything shifted online just as the pandemic struck. Continuing the classes wasn’t just important to the business anymore. It had to become the way for kids to engage in some kind of learning without schools and also a way for them to curb boredom inside the house.
Luckily for us, our website went through all improvisations to fit the needs, effortlessly.

3. Advance Remodel

Time taken for its design and development- 2.5 weeks


Advance Remodel is a company that offers remodelling services and excels at what they do. They completely stand by their motto of satisfying clients and succeed at giving people their space of dreams.
Advance remodel website uses gravity forms. It was completely customized to make it as elegant as it gets for any interior design business.
The challenge faced during its making was to finish it up quickly without hampering the pixel perfection and the design quality of the website.
Along with that, Zoho campaigns was also integrated into it to boost email marketing for the business.

In the end, it all turned out to be flawless and in time. And again, it was Divi that made it possible.
Surely, these websites turned out quite amazing. Do you want to have one for yourself?

Click here to contact an expert Divi web designer!

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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