

Traits of your unwelcoming website you need to get rid of!

By Design

When was the last time you decided to hit a mall to buy clothes? Probably months ago before the Corona Virus took over our lives.
Irrespective of its effect on our lives, we turn to our phones for almost everything. We tend to look for every product and service online. If we think about it, our whole world fits into our phones easily.

It’s a great deal of comfort for the consumers. But what does it mean for us as business owners?
While everyone is turning to apps and websites, we need to be on the top of our game and bring the best of possible outcomes.
Getting yourselves a website would be the first step.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Oh, you have one but haven’t been able to optimise your success?

Well, that’s probably because you have an unwelcoming website. We don’t mean to sound harsh here but, there are traits in every website that either make the consumer stay on it or leave with a negative impression.


While you may not necessarily have an unwelcoming one, there is no harm in check, is there?
Here are a few things that make a website unwelcoming:

1. Lacks mobile compatibility
Exactly as we said earlier, everyone picks up their phone for the littlest of things. How do you expect your business to bloom without a website that works effortlessly on mobile phones? It is the most important thing to get your website to function effectively on mobiles. *Read more about it here*
It doesn’t just mean scaling down the size but also involves making sure of the top-notch user experience.

2. Not a treat to the eyes
We all get attracted to everything nice we see. Our brain functions really fast when it comes to visual information. Hence, our first impressions are based upon what we see.
For that reason, your website can not be just fully functioning with great deals. It has to look engaging as well. Including visuals elements like gifs, infographics, videos, etc, would be a great idea.

3. Seemingly low-quality website
It’s completely human if the audience perceives your website to not be of significant quality. It may be perfect in every sense but if it appears low budget, that may repel your audience.
It may be the worst reason to block your success but definitely a possible one. The quality of your website will give them an idea about the quality of your offering. Not only will it make your offer look mediocre, but it’ll also put a question mark on your reliability as well.
As a solution to this, invest in the design of your website. Make sure it puts out a good impression of you.

4. Stagnant content
Not updating your website regularly content-wise, will make it stagnant. Development is required in every aspect regularly when it comes to a great website.
Content is how you set up communication between you and your audience. To make it consistent, regular updates will be required on the website as well. A proper strategy will enable you to build your brand image for the audience while making sure you engage them as well.

5. They’re not led anywhere
A lot of times, even when people find what they have been expecting on a website, they get lost when it comes to how they proceed with it further.
Call-to-action buttons are the most essential element of a website. Without it, how do you even expect your audience to show interest?

The whole purpose of having a website is to get conversions and without a CTA, it misses the whole point. And even if you have it, it comes down to what kind?
There can be multiple CTAs on a page but they all must offer the same thing. And asking them for much information may make them resistant to taking up your offer.

All the above-listed reasons will affect the audience on your website. You cannot afford to have any of them on your website. It’s time to bring your website to perfection.

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Why is a responsive website necessary?

By Design

Responsive websites have always been a favored option for all. The benefits of having a responsive website are many. But before we get into that, here is what a responsive website means.


A responsive website is one that is compatible with any device no matter what, a mobile phone with a 6-inch screen to a 19 inches long desktop. The viewer will receive a website view that will be accurate for the device they are using. These days everybody uses mobile phones more than desktops and it is compulsory to make your website compatible in mobile just as much as it is compatible with a laptop or desktop.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Now here’s why having a responsive website is important.

1. Mobile users on the rise
As we all know people love having easy access to the internet and all the websites. Let’s face it, we all go straight to our phones to look for websites. Having a website that is not responsive means the viewer using his mobile will have to scroll in all four directions to read about your website. This might not leave a good impression. This could even lead to losing a prospective customer. Having a responsive website improves your website’s user experience.

2. Improves SEO ranking
Google has made it clear that it recommends using responsive web design. The majority of Google users are using mobile phones and making sure websites are adaptable to any device has been made a priority by google itself. This helps increase your SERP ranking as well.

3. Device friendly
A responsive website adapts to the screen size irrespective of the device used. This ensures that your website will look amazing on mobile devices, tablets, and also desktops. It recognizes the device being used and finds a size that would fit better into the device screen. It also helps create a better user experience.

4. Less stressful
If your website is not responsive and you end up developing another website just for mobile users, you will have to shuttle between each website making sure everything is functioning smoothly. This is not something you want to do. A responsive website is the best solution for device adaptability.

5. User-friendly
Having a responsive website is not just device friendly but also user friendly. Sometimes, when the website does not appeal to the user they tend to exit the website before even giving it a chance. That is not something we can allow, so having a responsive website can help better the user experience and ensures the smooth functioning of your business.

6. Us for example
We all use various devices in our everyday life, watching a website that fits perfectly into all devices no matter what size they are is something that makes us all happy. There is nothing worse than opening a website in your mobile phone and having to scroll in all four direction to read a single sentence. Plus owning a website that fits all screen size will make sure there are no fall outs

7. Security
Divi and its developers have clarified that they prioritize security, and for the same, they have collaborated with the experts at Sucuri. These experts regularly analyze websites to ensure security.

The takeaway


If your website is not responsive consider sitting down with your designer and planning out the redesigning. Now that even iPhones are going mini, having a responsive website now can save you from a huge loss in the future. Users are our priority and giving them the best experience must be one of the things on top of our list. It could also help you, avoid stress, and increase your SEO ranking.
If you are planning switch to a responsive web design, contact us now.
Responsive websites are the future and soon you will catch someone browses your website using their smartwatch. The future is now!

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How often should you redesign your website?

By Business, Design

This must be one of the questions every website owner has regarding their website. Today we are here to find the right answer to it. Before we get into answering it, let’s look at what redesigning your website actually means.
Redesigning means re-constructing your website to perform along with the dynamic nature of society. If your sales or conversion is low then you should sit down with experts and evaluate your website functions.


Now let’s move on to the actual question, “How often should you redesign your website?”. The most general and honest answer to this question is that you should redesign your website every 2 to 3 years. But if your website is not responsive and does not deliver the results you were expecting it to deliver then you MUST get it redesigned right now, so as to reduce the unwanted expenses in the long run. Plus an outdated website has a lot of hidden costs. Click here to read about the hidden cost of outdated websites.

Experts say that a website should be redesigned every 2 to 3 years or whenever a new resource is available. But, do all the experts say the same? No. every designer has his/her opinion about how often your website needs to be redesigned. Here’s the twist though, it is your decision when your website needs to be redesigned and all the designers can hope is that it is not too late when you decide to do it.


Think of your design as your home or apartment. You need to keep investing as you spend time there, but every couple of years or so, you need to give it a complete makeover or a big change like paints, roof change, etc. The same is with the website to make it look new or to solve a particular problem.

Some of the things in your house need regular attention, like lawn mowing, cleaning the attic, etc. Likewise, in a website somethings need to be constantly updated like blogs, news, plugins, etc. Some other things can be done a little less frequently like backup, updating phone numbers, contact details if there is a change, etc…

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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A few things become necessary as we progress like your website being responsive, the way it looks on mobile. Research says that most people use mobile phones to access the internet due to which it needs to be ensured that the website is mobile-friendly.


Every money spent on your website is more like an investment in your online showroom/office and it should be done wisely considering how much it will pay you off. Thankfully, modern technologies enable us to know what each tool and development do to our website and how it will help increase sales.


So to conclude the answer to the question, a website redesign is an ongoing process, but every 1 to 2 years you should get an audit done. If you think now is the time you can avail a free audit right now. Contact us to get your website audited by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Divi, web designers’ favorite in 2020

By Design

If you have been around web designing for the past few years, you might be familiar with the name Divi.



Divi is a theme, introduced by the Elegant Themes, that helps you create a website, effortlessly. Easy would be an understatement. It provides you with simple steps that let you create both a complex and simple website. Yes, a website of any size and focus using Divi. It carries various plugins that could take the performance of your website up a notch. In 2020, Divi was one of the favorite themes of web designers. You would wonder, just because it lets you create a website easily doesn’t mean it is the best. Read ahead to find out why it was the favorite.

The global pandemic made it necessary for businesses to go online in 2020, and if they had to stay in business and not incur a loss, it needed to be done immediately.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

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Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

Divi helps create websites easily and here are a few reasons why Divi web designers love it.

1. Allows you to create a visual layout
When creating a website, many of our clients ask us to make it personalized. Divi lets you customize every minute detail, from the colors to fonts, from motifs to logo placement. Divi lets you customize everything and bring out exactly what clients ask for, pretty easily. Also, it lets you view the changes you have made immediately, to see if you need to make any further changes.

2. Facilitates translation
Divi lets you translate the website into 32 languages, with English being the original one.

3. 2020 and everything going online
The global pandemic had paused many businesses irrespective of the goods and services they provided. Ultimately, they all found their way to get back to business, going online. When small businesses were going online, Divi made it easier to create small, simple websites that fit their brand. Hence, 2020 saw a huge hike in the number of Divi designers.

4. Speed of loading
Divi is quick, and images and texts load quicker. Prompt loading of the website helps keep the visitors rooted, thus increasing the rate of conversion.

5. Responsive website, check
According to research, most internet users access it using their mobile phones. This has made it highly necessary to have a responsive website because more than half the people that visit your website use a cell phone. A responsive website is one that would adapt to the screen size of the device that is used. Divi enables you to create a responsive website effortlessly. Plus, Divi has also made it possible to customize the website. Responsive websites are Google and other search engines approved.

6. Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is necessary to bring traffic to your website. Divi lets you optimize your website for search engines easily. This helps to create an SEO friendly website that brings in more traffic.

7. Security
Divi and its developers have clarified that they prioritize security, and for the same, they have collaborated with the experts at Sucuri. These experts regularly analyze websites to ensure security.

Creating a complex website with lots of functions and plugins would need an expert Divi web designer with many years of experience. You can get your website designed by us. With over 15 years of experience in designing, our firm was able to undertake a lot of Divi web designs in 2020. It lets us create a perfect website for our clients that goes well with their brand, easily!

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Web design tips for Food industry

By Design

A restaurant website, or the website of someone who publishes cooking recipes is more than just another website. It is a visual feast for the eyes, and even for the stomach.

Here’s a few tips for creating the best website for the food industry.

1. Using the best quality images
When someone is visiting your website and you are using a stock image instead of the actual one, a negative impression is left behind. Using good quality images taken of the actual food or the restaurant is just the right way to earn their hearts. Putting your work space (kitchen), image of the food you serve, etc is a good way to keep your viewers interested.

2. Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes of your food industry is always something that can be used for promoting your brand. Remember watching ratatouille, and the story of how chef Gusteau created all his special dishes and found the restaurant, how each dish is prepared is what captured attention.


Some of the behind the scenes that can be added to your website are-

– How did you start cooking?/ what made you passionate about cooking?/ when was the restaurant found and the story behind it.
– The hands behind each dish (the chef), where you get your produce and everything that goes into each dish is how you bring character to them.
– The team behind the dish, the hands that chop, to the hands that washes the dish and everything in between has a story that can be the element that engages your visitors.

3. Adding your menu
If you are a restaurant, you must add your menu to the website, but it should not be just an image of the physical menu, creating a menu for your website is necessary. Putting in that extra effort is not going to go to waste.

4. When and where
A website should communicate the location, opening time and closing time and also a phone number where the customer could make reservations or queries. All of these are compulsory information for your website

5. Hiring a design agency
A website is not just a design for online presence. It should have utility and should also go along well with your brand and also be a marketing strategy. All of these require professionals, who will be capable of doing their job to the best of their ability. Your website should leave the viewers hungry for the food you serve.

Contact us now, and we will work on your website and together let’s leave your customers wanting more.

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How Creating Personas Leads to Better User Experience

By Design

A buyer persona can be defined as the description of your targeted audience. This fictional buyer is developed with all the characteristics of your potential customers. This persona is created to understand the demographic better and assess their buying patterns to plan your marketing strategies. By giving them characteristics, goals, and hard limits helps make marketing more effective. Since different groups of potential buyers behave differently, companies have more than one buyer persona. A group of your customers could be young adults, while some are adults in their prime. Some could be are employed, others might be still studying.


For eg. one of your persona could represent a group of athletes, in their mis 20s settled in some tropical place with an interest in adventure sports and travelling.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Now, here’s how you can create the best persona for a better buyer experience:

1. Understand your demographics
For improving your customers’ experiences, you need to understand their likes and dislikes. Understanding your audience by doing thorough research is highly necessary. This can be done by analyzing your existing customers and their pattern of buying. While analyzing customers certain things to be considered are their age, languages they speak, location, and interests. These factors can help you build the perfect persona for each group.
If you are doing business with other businesses(B2B) then, you should also consider their size of business and have an understanding of their purchasing head.

2. Look out for competitions
Repeat after me, businesses thrive in competitions. If you are a business that’s looking to improve the buyer experience you provide, then look out for what your competitors are doing, what’s working for them and what went wrong with their strategies, and how things converted for them.

3. Their like and dislikes
Study closely what your existing clients likes and dislikes, how they have perceived the products or services you provide. Understanding their previous behaviours will give you a general idea as to what to expect from potential customers.

4. Identify what they are looking for
Clients have various reasons for their likes, dislikes, choices, and behaviour. They might already have an idea about what they want from you. Understanding their goal regarding their purchase at your place can help you serve them better.

5. Creating a persona
After doing all the research and understanding every aspect of your buyers that’ll determine your business, find common characteristics between the customers. This will create various groups with particular characteristics. Each group can be further developed into a buyer persona. For example, from a group of characters, you can develop.

a. A 20-year-old girl
b. Studying business
c. Lives in Toronto
d. Likes traveling
e. Like spending time with family on islands.

A clothing brand would know that this kind of person would like cozy, warm clothes because of their location, but would also buy swimwear during vacation.


This understanding can help improve the buyer experience.
Now that you know how buyer personas help your business, don’t waste any more time and start the research immediately to create a boom in your business.
You can even use hubspot’s free tool to create professional, customizable buyer personas in minutes.

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Divi designers guide to build a strong SEO foundation using Divi?

By Design

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is highly necessary to make your website more visible on the search engine which increases the traffic to your website. Here are some tips, you can use to build a strong SEO foundation using Divi.
Divi is a WordPress theme that allows complete customization of your website. It supports various plugins and it also comes with a Divi builder plugin that you can use with other themes as well. It lets you create a strong SEO foundation as well. Read ahead to find out how Divi can be used to create a SEO- friendly website.  

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Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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But, how do you measure the load time of your website? There are various tools out there that help you analyze the speed of your website, and here are a few of the best.

1. Keywords
One of the most used way to optimize your website for search engines is by using Keywords. The usage of appropriate keywords increases your SEO rating. You can use various keyword research tools to find the appropriate keywords according to your target audience. You should make sure that your keywords flow naturally with the contents of your website.

2. Using plugins
Divi is a WordPress theme that supports various plugins. This allows you to use the best SEO plugins such as Yoast SEO to create a strong SEO foundation.

Want to know about some of our favorite Divi plugins? Click here.

3. Hidden content
Google was one of those search engines that ignored the content displayed in a separate tab or accordion but now hidden content is also accounted for. This means that the SEO rating of your website could be higher even if the keywords are used in the hidden content.

4. Written content
Always make sure that your post or page has at least one H1 tag. While you create a page, make sure you add the title either by adding it manually in the text editor or by adding the Post Title Module at the top of your page.
Another thing you keep in mind while developing content for web pages is to make the content more engaging for the reader. When the content is not engaging readers tend to leave the page without completely reading. The number of uninterested people is called bounce rate. A higher bounce rate will harm your SEO rating.

4. Social media

Social media is one of those cyber platforms that enable you to reach a large audience within a short time. Remember, whenever you post on social media make sure to leave a link that takes the viewers to your website. This will help increase the visitors to your website and also help with your website’s SEO.

5. Images

Divi designers suggest that just like optimizing your images and resizing them to make your website load faster, it is also important to change the name of your image file to a more significant one that also carries the keyword. These are called Alt Tags. The use of keywords in the Alt Tags will increase the search engine rating.

We can help you create a unique experience for your target audience with a Divi website that is personalized, just the way you want it.

Want to get your hands on a Divi website with a strong SEO foundation?

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Divi changed the website design game and how! Web designer’s viewpoint

By Design

Today, Divi is a theme that is suitable for every kind of WordPress website and is very convenient in every way as well. But did this happen in just one go?
Definitely not!
It went through innumerable improvisations and updates to become what it is now. And it’s totally amazing!
From its drag and drop feature to complete liberty at customization, it has become the right choice for your WordPress website.
But that’s not it. It has become a revolutionary platform for the Divi web designers as well.
Divi doesn’t just excel at giving great outputs but also has streamlined the work for Divi web designers.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

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Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

Looking to buy your own Divi Membership?

Buy using our link and get one Divi set up, absolutely free!

Get it now!

Or even better,
Save up on much and let us get the work done for you.

This power-packed theme has completely changed the web designing game.
Here, take a look at all the Divi features that made it possible:

Drag and drop content editor
The basic but the main feature of Divi is the content creation from scratch or customization of the templates. The scope and ease of this function have reached its perfection.
It lets you create custom page designs, custom theme templates, reusable content with optimum convenience via content modules.
For the Divi web designer, it means an experience that gets the work done with minimum hassle.

Reusable custom content
Yes, we can customize everything on Divi. But you know what the best part is?
It can be reused anywhere, at any time.
Everything you create gets saved via Divi modules. Basically, you get complete control over each and every one of your creations. You can save them, reuse them, or update them, all in a jiffy.

This unique Divi feature lets you shift your layouts and assets among your WordPress websites. For those with multiple websites, it’s a great feature that eases the work and gets things done faster.
However, this stage comes while updating a website and not while actually creating one.

Ease of use
Being a different theme as compared to the other ones on WordPress, it’s takes a short while to get used to it. But that little effort is worth so much.
Once you get acquainted with everything that Divi has to offer, it turns into a ride you enjoy.
Because, who doesn’t like to get great results with ease at work? Definitely the ideal situation!

Complete creative charge
After all the updates and improvizations, Divi has reached the next level where it allows customization to literally everything.
You can control every aspect of your website.
Be it the pages, posts, layout, or any other tiny element, you can have it just like you want it.

Custom headers and footers
Talking of customizations, did you know you could customize the headers and footers of your website as well?
It’s the news and a great one at that!
Divi has opened the way to creating templates for your headers, footers, blog posts, e-commerce products, 404-error pages, and many more elements. Or let’s just call that ‘Everything’!

Unique blog post and archive templates
The blog page of your dreams that you don’t need to create every time from scratch.
Wasn’t that the dream?
Well, it’s the one that has been fulfilled.
Yes, you read it right.
Templates for blog posts are a life-changing feature.
They give you a great layout for your blog pages. Furthermore, it helps you to control the tiniest of details like the display of title, author, date, design elements, etc.

Divi leads optimization tool
The ultimate point of creating a website is to give the business a boost. Hence, a website cannot just look good. It is a success only if it converts.
To make sure of that, Divi has a special split-testing feature. It’s a great tool that lets us analyze the audience on your web pages and note their responses.
This tool enables the comparison of two versions of the elements on your website and helps you to optimize them. It also enables multiple testing at the same time to let you optimize your complete website, swiftly.
This functionality can be achieved via plugins but its integration in a theme itself makes it much more convenient and cheaper.

Content modules
The is the representation of the level of Divi’s assistance to the user. Divi has content modules with 46 elements that have everything from images to calls to actions and everything in between like, audio, video, text, buttons, sliders, pricing tables, accordions, Adsense, and much more. And, like everything else, these modules can be customized to fit your needs.

What is Divi, if not fast? Creating, editing, or updating a Divi website is not just easy but quick as well. You don’t just have to accept our words, we have proof also.
Read about our quickest Divi websites.

The features above are a reason enough for you to opt for a Divi website. Looking for great templates? Divi is for you. Looking for complete customization? Divi is for you. Looking to customize the templates a little? Divi is for you.
And let’s remember, the ease of using Divi is its highest selling point. Whatever the case, Divi will get you what you want.
So, wait no more and get your Divi website, today!

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We’re ready for anything and everything you require.
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Boost your SEO to boost your website

By Design

What makes up a perfect website for your business?

A merely professional one won’t do it for you. To get optimum traffic, your SEO game has to be unbeatable.

Working on your website’s visibility and ranking on Google will help you a lot.

You want people to find your website, SEO will do that for you.


To get the best use of SEO, it’s very essential to make proper use of it. Many times, people relate SEO with content only. Rather, the smart way of using SEO would be to use it for every element on your website.


To get your website on a path to success, it’s very important to keep your digital marketing strategy updates and SEO is the most versatile part of it.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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You can absolutely depend on it for that ultimate boom on your website.

Given you make correct use of it, it’ll be the element that takes your business to the next level.


Here’s how to make sure of that:

1. Responsive design for every device
When you’re trying to boost the SEO on your website, it must start with getting your design in order. Responsive design will do the trick for you. It’ll get your website all done for every device.
It’s crucial to realize how important that is. It assures optimum user experience on every device, be it a laptop, mobile, or tablet, the best foot of your website will be put forward.
Wondering how important that is?
Every device has a different screen size. And it’s impossible that your website fits properly in all of those. You can’t deal with a desktop version on your mobile. It’ll lead to a negative user experience. The text or graphics or any other element will simply fail to create an impact they are supposed to have and the users will leave. This impacts your SEO score big time.

2. Optimum ranking through internal linking
Internal linking is as good a trick as it is easily ignored. While it gets the search engine to discover more pages on your website, it must not be overlooked.
Every page on your website holds value and deserves recognition. But the search engine can’t find every page on your website. Bit, internal linking will make that possible easily. It increases the proximity of all the pages.
But, there is still a trick there. You cannot link other pages randomly. They should hold some relevance. Vaguely adding them will not give a good impression.

3. Social media integration
Does social media help your website ranking in any way?
Yes, they do!
Adding social media to your website gets appreciated by the search engine crawlers.
Hence, it’s a smart move to include the social media icon on your website.
Besides helping you out with optimizing SEO, it’ll also put out a good word for you amongst the audience.

4. SEO for the graphics as well
More often than not, people drop after optimizing SEO for their content but miss doing it for the images as well. It’s a great trick to improve your website ranking on Google.
But there are a few things one must never about. The resolution of the image shouldn’t be very large. Images with a bigger resolution will not be very prompt to load. Make sure to use a keyword in the alt text section as well.

Now that you know of these tricks, all you have to do to up your website is implement them.
Need help with that? We’re here for you!

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Is an SSL certificate necessary?

By Design

Yes, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate is highly necessary especially if your website is asking for personal information. Let’s discuss what SSL is before we get into all the “but, do I need it?”

SSL, or secured socket layer, as the name implies secures your website visitors from getting their data stolen. This also helps your website from various cyber crimes such as data breaching. Getting your website SSL certified would change HTTP to HTTPS where the S stands for secure, Hypertext transfer Protocol Secure. When websites without HTTPS ask for personal data people tend to be more cautious around it, and we cannot blame them for being careful about their privacy.



Google has this new policy where they are considering completely protecting their users from insecure sites. This means that whenever someone browses for a website that is not secure they might not come as a search result. Secured websites have a higher SEO ranking.
Now, to answer the actual question of whether or not it is necessary.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Here are some reasons to get your website certified.

  • Secure Socket Layer helps protect data

SSL is a must have to protect your users from getting their data stolen. This is a breach of privacy and SSL makes sure to keep data stealers at bay.
SSL is not only to protect your customers but it protects user website from various cyber crimes such as phishing.

  • Improves SEO ranking

Search engines like Google has made it clear that soon they will be rethinking if insecure websites needs to be completely hidden from users to protect them. A website with SSL certificate ranks higher in SEO.

  • PCI requirements

If you run an ecommerce platform then SSL is a must have for you. There is nothing that secures your platform than an SSL certificate, no matter how careful you are. Payment Card Industry has certain requirements that needs to be satisfied to ensure secure payment and having an SSL certificate is one of them.

  • Helps build trust

A website with SSL certificate can build trust with consumers because of the fact that you are willing to protect their data. It gives them a sense of security like no other while using the internet.

Getting a SSL certificate might seem too much but for the benefit of your website and your company having it will be a great plus. If you have any confusion regarding getting your website SSL certified, your design experts sure will tell you to just do it.

Have questions or need someone to bring them to reality for you?

We’re ready for anything and everything you require.
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We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you