

Get your conversion rate shooting to the top!

By Design

What good is a landing page that doesn’t convert? It simply nullifies the whole purpose of having one in the first place. The power of your landing page lies in its perfection that comes over time.


You ought to work on it until it becomes the perfect tool to engage your potential clients, convince them, and convert them!

Targeting one such landing page? Here are a few tips you wouldn’t want to miss to get that:

1. Clear offers

A client will respond to an offer he’ll understand completely. Until he has any doubts in his mind, he’ll not agree to pay up. Hence, it becomes essential to make sure your offers are clear with understandable language.
The client must feel good while taking you up on your offer and most not have any doubts about it. He must feel that it’s a smart and wise decision that he feels good about.

2. Simplify your landing page

Except for the content, there’s a whole world of elements on a landing page. It’s extremely important that it looks systematic instead of looking like a cluster, piled upon each other.
It falls upon the designer to find the perfect place for every element.

3. Gripping to a color theme

It’s very often that we find color themes becoming brand identities. We see red and yellow, we immediately connect it with McDonald’s. That’s exactly what happens by sticking to colors.
The composition of colors on your landing page somehow represents your brand identity and lets the consumer relate to you. Every important element should look like it belongs to you.

4. Don’t divert the focus

If a person has reached your landing page, he has already shown interest in your offer. After that, mention of anything else might confuse him. The first thing he has to see on the landing page is the offer he came for. He needs instant assurance that he is on the right page.
Don’t we always focus on the main part? That’s exactly what we need to do with our landing page. Once he sees the offer he’s there for, he can scroll down for more information on it.

5. Use scarcity techniques

Didn’t you just attend that sale that’s ending in 2 days? Thank God you didn’t miss it!
That’s the urgency you need to create on your landing page. The client doesn’t have to feel that he can come and avail of the offer at any time. He needs to know that he might just miss it.
Words like ‘Hurry up’, ‘Limited period offer’, or ‘Only for 10 first applicants’ might do the trick for you.
The mention of scarcity on an offer will turn it into a magnet and will create urgency among the clients to avail of it.

6. Straight forward Call-to-action buttons

Call to action buttons is where they actually convert. Those are the elements that lead them to take up your offer.
With such importance, they can not be confusing in any way. They have to be as clear as a crystal. They must state the offer clearly without creating any questions in the head of the audience. They should make it very simple for them to avail of your offer.

7. Contact details

It’s very essential that your potential clients know how they can reach you. There are various options to be used. Email address, social media links, contact number are some of the very common ways used.
Providing such details will not only give them a way to connect with you, but it will also establish a sense of trust in you.
This is a tip you cannot miss.

8. Don’t settle with headlines or content

What lets a person click on a simple link? It’s an intriguing headline that doesn’t let the person ignore it.
If that’s the case( which it is), why would you settle with a headline that doesn’t assure creating much interest for the audience to visit your page? That would be a huge mistake.
You must have various options while deciding upon a headline and go for the one that is the most intriguing.
But when a person reaches the page, it’s not just about what’s written. It becomes about how! Make sure that it connects with your target audience.

9. Be consistent

A person might reach your landing page through a Facebook ad, a LinkedIn post, or any email. If he doesn’t find any similarity between the landing page and what led him there instantly, he might get the idea that he’s in the wrong place.
You have to be consistent with how you present your offer on various platforms. There should be a similarity between the elements used on every platform.
In simpler words, it should create a similar visual impact on every platform.

10. Add proofs of your worth

10. Add proofs of your worth

Whenever we go to a restaurant, we always check its reviews to see if it’s worth it or if it serves our favorite cuisine. It works the same for your clients.
Tokens of appreciation from your existing clients will serve as pieces of proof for them. It’ll lead them to feel confident about you and your offer. They’ll definitely feel that your offer is worth paying the money.
With many creative ways to put up testimonials, you can decide which one suits your need the best.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Web Design Company

By Design

A nice website will engage your audience and keep them engaged until they convert. Wouldn’t you want that?

For every flourishing business today, the next step is to go online and expand it digitally. No matter what scale your business stands on today, the intention is to increase it.
Getting a website for your business will change things a lot. While a website can have any effect on your business, it certainly depends upon how you go about it. You can always do it yourself or you can get a professional to do it for you. While you can only hope for the best from a website you make yourself, a professional will get you one with a guarantee.

Your website is supposed to take your sales up a notch and represent everything you stand for at the same time.
Now that it’s settled that you will go for a professional, you want to be cautious there as well. Among a whole lot of proclaimed designers, you have to pick the one that suits your needs the best. Generally, people make mistakes while opting for their designers. But you won’t!

We have a full list of mistakes you might want to steer clear of while choosing a website design company for you.
Go through the list and thank us later! Mistakes to avoid while choosing a website design company:

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Five of the main advantages for agencies to collaborate with others are:

1. Paying too much

It’s really human to assume that you get better service with every penny you pay. How wonderful would it be if only it were true? But, it’s not! A lot of time designers drop heavy technical terms on you and lead you to think that they know what they’re talking about. And since they charge a fortune, you’re bound to think that it’s worth it. At the end of the day, you get a website to grow your business. Would it be logical to invest more in it than what it would get you? Certainly, not. Instead of letting them pile on things to do on your website, let them know what you expect from the website. This way, you’ll only pay for what you actually want.

2. Not paying enough

None of us want to pay an extra penny for service. Hence, it’ll be understandable if you go for a loss cost design company. But it’s essential to differentiate the pay right and pay less.
Just like paying extra won’t get you the value of your work, paying less will not either. If you’ll stick to a low-cost company, you’ll be in for a disappointment with the service you get.
Your website will be your face digitally and it has to be everything you stand for? Would you be comfortable compromising with that? The quality of your website will represent that of your product.
While it is very important to stick to your budget, it’s essential to make sure you get the best of services possible in that amount. A thorough analysis of what the company offers and how the team works will give you an idea if you’ll get what they claim you will. The team has to be compatible enough for you to associate with them for a long period. If you see that happening, it’s your cue to move forward with them.

3. No further maintenance

Do you assume that it’ll be all fun and games after you get your website? Well, it certainly doesn’t end there.
If you opt for sticking to what you get at first, you’ll be stuck with an outdated website very soon. Not taking care of the latest trends or updates will make your website stagnant and it’ll all be for nothing. There might be a truckload of traffic at first, but it’ll slow down really soon.
Any great design company has a maintenance plan where they take care of your website for a longer period and make sure it is up to date. This is the offer you can’t compromise with. If you go for a company that doesn’t offer maintenance, it’ll be like flushing your money.

4. Eyeing companies with experience in your industry

Almost every design company associates themselves with a particular area of the industry owing to their experience in that area. You might find it fascinating if you find one with expertise in your industry.
Wouldn’t it risk you having a mainstream website resembling a lot of them out there?
Trust us on this, you don’t want to go for that. You have the best website, let a great team of designers bring their creativity out to get you something unique, as per your wishes.
To get sure of what work a company offers, make sure you clearly observe their portfolio. If you find versatility there, you’re good to go! After all, your website has to stand out.

5. Not stating your expectations

Website designers are creative people but it’s hard for them to assume what you may expect. Wouldn’t it be much easier if you made your wishes clear? If you’ll depend upon them to come up with things themselves, you may reach your expectations much later. It’ll waste a lot of time and effort. Rather, if you tell them what you’re looking for, they might be able to work around that from the beginning itself. Not only will it speed up the process, but it’ll also cost you less as well.
Do you know what would be best? Sharing your expectations before hiring them.
What if you realize later that their working strategies or ideas won’t work out for your expectations? It’ll be a loss for both parties. Avoid that by listing down your wishes before you hire them.

Are you looking for collaborating with an exceptional design agency? Connect with us now!

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Five reasons agencies should collaborate.

By Design

At the core, every business or agency focuses on standing upon the customers’ expectations and serving them to their full potential. Solving their problems is a priority in every manner. That is how a company grows and builds for itself. A lot of times, it includes staying in competition against the fellow companies and putting in a lot of effort to beat them. So where on the way, this can cost us our dedication towards being a problem solver for the clients.

Sometimes, the better way of serving the clients is through collaborating with the best in the business of another relevant field. It’ll help your clients get more work done after finding just you. But it’s beneficial for you as well. You will get to share the business with them along with clients and success!

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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Five of the main advantages for agencies to collaborate with others are:

1. Stand-out in your arena

Client’s look for the best of services and providers and the ones who offer it all often lack in skill here and there. But the ones that expertise in what they offer even if it’s not a package, are the ones that go a long way.
Now, how wonderful it is when agencies with different expertise collaborate? When you focus on your core activities, it brings out the best in you.
So better keep it simple.
In clear words, you need to get yourself associated with the best in business and look at how things run!
Be it creative, strategic, or technical, focus makes your agency end on top.

2. Boost your gains

In today’s thrift, every company is a kind of agency. Some create ads, some create content, some create designs and they all excel at it.
Isn’t it obvious that when you partner with the best, it results in a financial boom? Well, it should be because there is no downside to dealing with the best. The only way to be quick and offer full-service is to collaborate with specialists. Agencies with a strong network have been able to reduce employee costs and overhead and proved to be more alert and adaptive to change.

3. Offer irresistible combos of specialists

Only when you focus on what you do best, you have the scope of collaborating with another who’s the best in other skills. A designer makes things pretty and a developer makes it work and a content writer puts meaning into it.
Only an agency with a strong core can afford to collaborate with specialists. A custom team formed for any particular consumer issue, guaranteeing the best possible people for every job is the one that outshines. And it’ll make your clients stick to you.

4. Keep your ideas modern

You can’t expect yourself to be consistent with the clients you work for it reduces the scope of your growth. And when you provide your client with the best team suited to their requirements, you woo them and keep them for life.
You can choose to work with your own people or you can pick the best man from the crowd. Clearly, the latter promises more results, sooner or later. This access to the endless pool of talent can be more beneficial than you may imagine.

5. Enhance your scope

Building a successful business takes years and is usually high maintenance. Collaborating with other agencies can give you a vast reach while keeping a firm grip on your local market.
It’s simple. You bring your clients and manpower and they bring their clients and manpower and it results in a wider market and greater return for both parties.

Are you looking for collaborating with an exceptional design agency? Connect with us now!

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Choose a flexible design agency. Get help on your own terms!

By Design

It’s not easy to find a design agency that meets all your terms and is good at what they do at the same time. This compatibility between you and your agency is as difficult to find as it is essential. But you can neither adjust with the quality of work or the compatibility.

More than often, we have a particular picture of expectations in our minds while we hire someone to do it. And then when those expectations aren’t met, it’s disappointing. It makes it essential to hire someone with the skill set you require and also who’s on the same page as you in all other aspects as well. Such a partnership may also save you the time of finding an agency every time you require it.
But this luxury only comes with a flexible agency.
Yes, they’re the ones who should be flexible towards your needs.
They are not only supposed to cater to your design needs but on your own terms.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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All in all, a flexible agency is your answer!
Let’s get to what flexibility you should expect from your agency

Time availability flexibility

We know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that’s a given. That might be the first reason why you decided to go for outsourcing design. But what good is it if it gives your stress about something like time?
An agency is supposed to adjust to your time zone if needed and that’s something you shouldn’t compromise with.

Modes of communication flexibility

How weird would it be if you had to adapt to modes of communication you’re not familiar with?
That’s not happening!
A design agency should be flexible enough to adapt to the modes of communication you prefer. *And the good ones are flexible*

Syncing in your choice of management software

It would be fair to say that given the current trends, for agency teams to be molded around the client’s needs to the most looked forward to quality. An agency must mold itself around the client to deliver what they want and how they want. It’s really important to be in sync with the strategy.
And that includes being in sync with the management software used. An agency’s flexibility around using all sorts of software is to be expected.

Are they ready to work while maintaining privacy and ready to sign NDA?

In clear words, an agency that doesn’t sign the NDA is NO-NO!

It’s extremely essential to keep the ongoings of your campaigns or any project, completely confidential. You can’t risk the secrecy of your elements at any cost.


You should be able to trust the agency you’re dealing with but the trust needs to be on paper.

Any kind of arrangement around not maintaining privacy shouldn’t be tolerated at all.

Are they flexible to provide stuff quickly around the time when needed for urgent products?

It’s absolutely not feasible to go to a different agency every time the need arises. But that’s what you are bound to do if you don’t choose the right one. Some will not be flexible around your time and others around your budget.
Choosing one wisely and analyzing if it fulfills all your needs is the smart decision. And there you have it, an agency for a lifetime.

Are they ready to be supportive of budgets on tight budget products?

The right design agency for you needs a more well-rounded understanding of your brand in order to deliver. They may be impressive on Instagram, but are you going to get what you need? And that too within your budget?
Sounds difficult but the best of agencies are flexible enough to work around all your requirements. And that’s exactly what you should look for while choosing the one for you.

If your design agency doesn’t prove to be flexible in all these areas, they’re not for you. And if you haven’t come across the right one yet, we’re here to help you out.
We deliver what we believe in and that’s your convenience!
Let’s discuss it at length over a call, today.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Eliminate copyright issues in design from your list of concerns!

By Design

Where’s the fun in common designs? When working on a design idea, you may take inspiration from other designs but copying the whole concept would be a whole another thing. It would mean crossing boundaries and getting yourself involved in copyright infringement. Notwithstanding whether you are creating a website, logo, business card, flyer, or brochure, it is necessary to know the elements in a part of the craft that copyright preserves so that you do not illegally employ them in your design. Copying someone’s work is plainly wrong.

Copying someone’s work doesn’t just question your integrity but is lawfully wrong as well and it should be avoided in all cases. It makes it essential for you to make sure the design agency you tie-up with keeps in mind to avoid any infringement.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Here are some tips they must follow:

Stuff marked ‘free for commercial use’ is not to be used

One should never ever use any stuff from the internet labeled ‘ free for commercial use’. Wondering why? Simply because there’s no guarantee of the source you’re picking content from. This could easily be you infringing copyrights of the particular content.

‘Only for editorial use’ is the cue to not use it

One must not use “only for editorial use” even when they have purchased the file in any advertisable design material. If you go by the exact meaning, ‘for editorial use only’ itself means that it is not for commercial purposes and educational motive only. Even if after that it gets used, it’ll be a clear violation of the Copyright Act.

Say yes to the paid stuff

It’s a safer option to use the stuff you’ve paid for. The huge library of fonts, vectors, images, videos, themes, plugins purchased can be used for your website without you being worried about copyright issues. Learn more.

Removing watermarks don’t make a difference

Removing the watermark from a picture and using it does not make any difference. Removing watermarks does not make it legit, and it can still be caught by embedded codes in the file that crawlers can easily read.

Are you looking for someone who’ll make sure you stay away from any such complexity? Connect with us now for an effortless experience.

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Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Interact with your website visitors in real-time. Here’s how.

By Design

Don’t stop at just building a website, there’s a lot more to do

You put a lot of effort into keeping your websites up-to-date for the sole purpose of it generating business for you. Now imagine if someone actually visited your website but couldn’t get completely convinced and needs more effort from us to get converted. Great lead! But how sad would it be if you couldn’t figure out how to reach your potential clients on your website.
Well, good for you that we’ve great tips for you to make that happen.
Here’s how to be in touch with your potential clients:

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Chat plugin

Consumers want their issues to be resolved rapidly, and any apprehension with their investment can result in you losing the attention. Using a live chat assistance software helps you immediately resolve user problems and restore them into spending clients. It can ride more modifications, too, as you can react to sales questions in real-time, eradicate buyer resistance, and give a promising human existence until customers are willing to pull out their wallets.

Sales IQ plugin from Zoho

This plugin is like a blessing in disguise for your website. It helps you to comprehend your consumers’ efforts and their ordeal by visually evaluating their touchpoints. When you analyze the activity on your page, you get better insights to figure out how to deal with them or improve them for that matter. It’ll let you optimize the user’s experience on your page and optimize lead generation and convert them into leads.

Feedback form

Healthy companies depend on feedback, whether it comes from customers, the public, or your own employees. The information that you collect directly from your clients is raw tips to enhance your skills and services. Not only does this enhance what you offer but also lets you know what to actually drop.

A Feedback form can be considered a reality check for the business, but only to learn from.

Social media plugins

The easiest way to let your clients look into you in-depth is through social media. If your social media handles are very engaging and impressive, your potential client should be able to lure themselves into it.

And the way to do that is to put social media plugins on your website at relevant places. This will give them a chance you look at the personal side of what you offer and how.

Ask for comments on blogs

Your potential clients would be reading your blogs because he’s not well versed in that area and hence, he’s bound to have questions about it.

What better way to attract him than to show your expertise?

Give them a way to get their answers by just commenting and that’s your lead to steal the show.

Obviously, putting these elements on your website for your best use is a task to be performed by experts. And guess what, you found them. So what do you say, we should get to work already!
Let’s get on a call and discuss how to proceed with it.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

Making sure that you hire the right website designer is a very important task, and a confusing one.

By Design

In the virtual era, your website is the identity and the first point of contact of your brand, so making sure that you nail the first impression is crucial. And that’s why, when you’re making such a huge decision, we can understand it can get you scratching your head about what would be the best way to go about it.

But we boiled down these queries to the most crucial ones, so we’ve made your job a little easy when it comes to hiring the website developer that fits your bill perfectly –

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Have you worked on similar projects before?

It is very important that your developer and you see eye to eye about the goals that you wish to achieve through the website, or else whatever they come up with will always disappoint you. 

Especially, when translating ideas through the creative language of design, it is better that there’s a mutual understanding of what you as a client want to achieve. 

Because, otherwise everything from the paid hours to the resources used are going to extend beyond the optimal, leaving you with a sour experience.

How long will the development process take?

This question will help you segregate the best suitors for your case, as the completion of a website can be different for different developers. 

This in turn helps you adjust your commitments to this process better too, as the best team will be able to adjust to your office hours, availability, schedules and more.

Not only does it streamline discussions and reviews, but it avoids excessive billing and an overall delay in the results too.

What are the services that I can avail?

Developers of different scales offer various scales of services and plans. So when you’re on the lookout for one, making sure that you have chosen the one that will be able to provide all that you need is a must.

There’s a whole menu to choose from – like SEO upgrades, Social media marketing, landing pages, and other requirements to supplement the main website, the list is up to you to decide.

This helps in making sure you don’t miss out on a feature of your choice, or spending on features that are of no use to you.

What SEO strategies do you use?

An important part of letting someone design your website for you is knowing how versed they are with the latest SEO strategies and what resources they use to achieve them.

Since they decide the content that goes up on the webpages, all device compatibilities, and ways to make an overall strong web presence – then it is destined to be a bad deal. 

So, while finalising these matters make sure, they know their optimization strategies and keyword research, as well as better techniques to convert the web traffic into your leads.

How much say do I have over the design process?

Most times you would know what you want your website to look like, and even though after all the vital checks – you might be entrusting the developers fairly well – it is still necessary to ask how much input and editing you’ll be allowed throughout the process.

Once you have communicated about how much involvement you are willing to offer, and that gets settled, you have to make sure you are able to have the editing scope you seek.

You can always settle it in advance, so you can provide your comments without both the parties hindering the process at any point.

Do you offer content marketing packages?

Now, this is entirely up to the requirement at hand, but in most cases we want a website to serve a purpose – which is generating more leads and converting the visitors on the pages to customers.

And when your website designers offer content marketing as a part of their website development package, then it can have many benefits like getting search engine optimized content, more engaged visitors, and high-quality content that improves your rankings on SERPs.

If you already have an in-house content team, you might not require this, but in areas of inexpertise like designing landing pages or social media campaigns, it always comes in handy to use your developers’ SEO help.

How much would you charge for such a project?

Throughout this article, we have talked plenty about preventing cost leaks in the process of hiring the ultimate website designer, but when you have to seal the deal making sure that the right one fits the budget is equally important.

Developers have different hourly or per project rates; so when you are going to hire the candidate you like the most – you might want to settle their costing mechanism and make sure you can shell out that much, for a seamless experience. 

That being said, getting the cheapest website developer might not be the best idea, as you can end up with a product you’re not a fan of if you do so. Know when to pay extra if you see results you like, and not skimp it for a rush job, because you might want to get the perfect website in one go.

Do you offer custom as well as template websites?

Usually, web developers provide both types of websites, depending on what the client needs. Template websites are usually an economical option, but they aren’t the most optimized ones. 


These can also have a bad impact on the traffic that is generated on such pages, as the personal connection can feel lost.

Custom websites are the most ideal when you know that your website has a lot of expectations on it, given that a good developer can make sure it’s fast-loading, pretty looking, and good at lead generation. 

Custom websites will always take longer to build and bear a higher cost, so if you’re not looking for the same you might want to know if you can choose between custom and template options.

What would be the timeline for the project?

You can try to get an approximate idea of how long it would take to build a website through the developer, but given how many changes need to be implemented and other approvals – it is destined to be a little more elastic than you’d wish.

Apart from the monetary aspect of the time, this can also cost you important clients and making better business. 

So, when making such decisions, you need to make sure that each milestone is set in place with a tentative deadline; and the communication throughout should be stable so the progress is always discussed with you.

To sum it up

Finding the right website developer for your brand is going to take some research, effort and comparison. But when you keep these points in mind – you will be able to sort your options better. Regardless of each specification, the most important thing will be to find a developer that can understand your vision and is able to communicate with you well – so they can deliver the results that represent your brand the best.

But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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4 Tips That Can Drastically Improve Your Website’s User experience

By Design

Let me tell you, it’s alright to think that your website needs some reworking, it worked for a certain period of time – but with the changing wind of newer technological upgrades, you will have to renovate your website too.

In all fairness, there isn’t any point in having a website that isn’t focussed on customer feasibility, fast responses, and device compatibility nowadays. With much more precise SEO regulations and a wider audience for traffic to land on your webpage, having a dead website can do more harm than good to your online presence.

But we’re not here to monger fear but to guide you with the current best practices that you must integrate into your website, to yield the best customer UX, that leads to the results that you want to see.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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Blank Spaces Are Valuable Too


White spaces are the holy grail of good website design. This might sound simple to you at first glance until you realize it’s all about how you implement them.

 Now they’re essentially blank spaces in the sea of images, texts, menus, and CTAs. And these exact blank spaces, and how strategically they’re placed – truly enhances the aforementioned elements. 


We’ll discuss attention spans and how to steal them, later in the blog, but the primary way to do so is through using white spaces. The simple rule of thumb on how to go about these is through keeping a margin space around your webpage contents.

The most important parts of these pages are the CTAs and take it from us, they need the best ratio of white space to get what desirable results.

Design Websites that load ASAP

Now, different websites have different loading times – owing to whatever stuff is there on the page to load. But regardless of whatever you deem important on the page, it has to load in between 2-5 seconds, or else the point of having that website itself is hampered.


I know the statistics sound harsh, and in some cases very difficult to achieve, but that’s what the user wants. According to Google, you can easily observe a bounce rate of 40% or more if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load.


The bigger picture, however, is the mobile page loading. Mobile devices are rapidly constituting a larger mass of online traffic, and these users are likely to be more impatient than desktop users. So, always bear in mind to check how your websites load on all devices. 


But these factors can be easily combated if you make use of Google’s analytics features and see where the lag comes from, and get with the program at the earliest.

Catch The User’s Attention

The heading might not sound like an interface design input – and although it isn’t – it surely is a good reference point to arrange the elements that you have in mind. 

For instance, the user forms their opinion in about 0.05 seconds, about what they think of your webpage. And if you think the overall interface of your webpage is aesthetic enough to make them stay, and you’ve won the battle, then there’s more. The average time any user spends on that website is about 10-15 seconds. 


The message is clear, you’re supposed to tell them what you do, how you’re relevant to them, and then engage them further in a cyclical manner in this short time frame. Thus, your design should also have that rhythm accordingly. 


To achieve all of that, make sure you are –

  • Writing important information in bullets and points
  • Creating creative and catchy CTAs
  • Using relevant and high-quality images
  • Hyperlinking only the important bits
  • Maintaining consistency in all the webpages

The Images Help In Telling The Story

You can only play so much with the text and the interface to convey the gist of your services on a webpage. And that’s when the scope of illustrations and images comes into the picture.


It is common for many website designers to go for stock images to fill spaces and also get them at high quality. But sometimes this backfires, as the images are the connection points for the user and your services to have a connection, and with stock images that they might have seen at a hundred other places online – they’re bound to not feel the bond.


So, our advice would be to buy images or edit images that are relevant or make renders of the subject at hand but don’t be skimpy with these elements for sure.


We’re gonna leave you with this concise checklist of sorts for you to make sure you’re on the correct path when designing your web presence through the website.


But if you think that you want some expert advice – for anything really – a webpage report, some graphics help, or maybe even designing a new one that can garner many website design awards.


Then The Dreamers Design team is always there to help. We’d love to get on a call with you and answer all your queries that you might have, zero obligations – schedule a slot here. – calendly

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Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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How to get your custom fonts on your Unbounce landing pages

By Business, Design

Fonts are an essential tool to make eye-catching landing pages, and since we often need to make a lot of such pages, it becomes a little crucial to have that branding aspect of a custom font.


Especially, when you have a very specific company font. Well, if you have the same issue that you’re struggling with then this little article might just be what you’re looking for and help you use your custom fonts on Unbounce without any glitches.


Now, when you import an Unbounce font on a page, it is important to make sure that these fonts are uploaded on the same servers with which the Unbounce account is linked. For instance, if your Unbounce account is linked with thedreamerdesigns.com website, then the external fonts should also be updated on the same servers.

Here is the official link on the steps to do the same.


For example, if your Unbounce is linked to thedreamerdesigns.com, but you have your fonts on xyz(dot)com, then this might result in a glitchy situation.

That being said, you should know you can’t host third-party fonts on Unbounce servers, which implies that you need to host fonts on your server and link your Unbounce account to that same server.

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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That being said, you should know you can’t host third-party fonts on Unbounce servers, which implies that you need to host fonts on your server and link your Unbounce account to that same server. For example, if your Unbounce is linked to thedreamerdesigns.com, but you have your fonts on xyz(dot)com, then this might result in a glitchy situation.


You must also keep in mind the format that is accepted for the fonts to be uploaded. Some of the Unbounce recommended formats are – .eot, .woff, .ttf, and .svg, hence its always reliable to use these.

Another factor that might pose a hurdle, is that if you are to host your page on the Unbounce domain itself then unfortunately you do not have a choice to upload your custom fonts. For example, if your URL reads – xyz.com/landingpage then you can not put a custom font. The next best alternative to do that is by uploading an image, but then again you might need to keep a check on how the image looks on a mobile device, as that might require you to upload an alternate image for the same.


Well, if you thought that this article was helpful to you, and if you need some help with fonts or any other Unbounce queries, or maybe just a project that you might want some insights on – then feel free to book a Calendly slot with us, and we would love to take care of that issue for you.

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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Experienced landing page designers do come at a price. The question is at what price?

By Business, Design

Good landing pages can turn your marketing strategies into a goldmine, zero exaggeration here.
They were created to ensure the most important part of these campaigns in the first place – conversions. You heard that right, they’re amazing turning leads into conversions, with just a one-time effort at a time. 


Well the whole reason behind these inventions doing so, is all in how they are made. Well made or not comes later – but they cut the drill, leave you with just the precise info you need, provide you with the correct CTA for you to act on the decision, and then close the deal then and there – all in a matter of seconds!

But nothing of such great value could be at an affordable price, right? Wrong!

While the merits of making one of these might be many; the true efficiency of the landing page design lies in who designed it and how well they understood the gist – that’s where the need for an experienced landing page designer pops up. Without making it seem like rocket science, we’ll leave you with a price tag that we think should be enough to get your a great quality landing page.

And the price is…. $250 only!

Now, it’s natural to think that this is a very moderate price and quite reasonable too, but how does an experienced landing page designer come up with this figure in the first place?

If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.

Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS

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After all, you need to know what you should be looking for when hiring one; and why does their experience factor in this process?

The truth is that a perfectly designed landing page isn’t enough on its own to live up to your expectations of the crazy conversion figures. There’s a lot that goes in making it work like a charm – and that’s what only an expert can know.

Starting off with the first expense that comes into the success factor of the page, and that is creating ads for it. When the marketing campaigns include such landing pages, you also need to create interesting ads to invite all the traffic you can here.

If you make the most perfect perfectly designed page, but don’t know how to market it well, or market it with ads that have a completely different language of graphics, then judging by the cover, your expected traffic wouldn’t even bother clicking on the link. That is a huge miss, to begin with.

Once the traffic is on there, its the interface of the page that helps you get the sales or signups, or whatever it is that the page was made for, and if it’s made to perfection – you just have to sit back and watch your profits/engagement grow.

Landing pages need a lot of attention to the detail – now you can make it in a single day and get done with it, but you would miss out on the things that only a seasoned designer can look out for.

Here comes the second aspect of the cost – the expertise of the designer. You hire a rookie, and you’ll keep waiting but the effect of the landing page will be extremely cold and unrewarding.

Speaking from personal experience, I have created over 150 landing pages, and honestly, my own lesson has been, that there’s no cheat code to success in this one.

Had I not had been following the landing page trend avidly, keeping up with the best of the techniques, optimizing, suggesting to clients, improvising all along – frankly I wouldn’t have been confident about getting the amazing conversions to my own clients.

But the very fact that creating these marvels is something I call my forte and take pride in – comes from the fact that I leave no stones unturned in translating the clients’’ expectations into a lead conversion machine of a landing page.

Now the third aspect of making it all work is not just the experience of the designer – but the flexibility that the designer has with various landing page builders. Yes, there are many.
Many but not all of them really work for all occasions, especially not the ones that count.

The part of the experience also has to be with their frequency of using such brands of landing page builders. As a customer, it’s not your stress to take which one the designer should pick for your marketing plans – but using the best one out there is definitely the best option for most.

And the top-rated one out there is Unbounce, even marketing gurus like Neil Patel swear by its wonders. Unbounce is hands down, one of the best builders to create the landing pages that guarantee conversions – it’s their company motto after all. And as a landing page expert, I take great pride in being partnered with them, because we believe in returning value to our customers as much as they do.

So this was the price breakdown for one awesome landing page, that an experienced designer should provide you with. If you liked what you read about, and warmed up to the idea of trying one for your company’s goals, then we would love to whip one up for you.

You can schedule a no-obligation query call with us and we can talk business at your leisure, book your slot here – 

But that’s not it!

Getting your designs outsourced comes with more perks than we can count but one thing that is assured is it becomes a worry-less experience for you.


Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

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We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you